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我们向对动物的残酷行为提出进言。We remonstrated against cruelty to animals.

向智者进言常常引来一场争论。A word to the wise usually starts an argument.

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我要向市长就城市规划问题进言。I will speak to the mayor in regard to city plan ning.

总统的同僚向他进言的渠道被阻塞了。Candid advice ot the President by his colleagues is inhibited.

总统的同僚向他进言的渠道被阻塞了。Candid advice to the president by his colleagues is inhibited.

聪明人既知道如何接受也知道如何拒绝别人的进言。An intelligent person not only knows how to take advice , but how to reject it.

于是他们起程,行了很遥远的路,才到达罗马。走进议院,就进言说。And they went to Rome, a very long journey, and they entered into the senate house, and said.

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还有部分人在回国后就教育问题向清政府进言。And some persons advised the educational problems to the Qing government after they come back.

我进言,直到充分的披露被对纳税人做出,“数据中心”没有理由被建立。I submit that until full disclosure is given to the Taxpayer the "data center" has no business being built.

人们认为,密特朗是靠了其朋友布鲁尼向丈夫“进言”,这才得以被萨科奇提名出任文化部长。Mrs Bruni-Sarkozy, a friend of Mr Mitterrand, is attributed with advising her husband to nominate him to the post.

这位国王很讨厌朝廷里的一位官,因为那位官比较正直,常常进言一些规劝国王的话,所以国王比较讨厌他。This official was very honest, and often counseled the King in a straight forward manner. Therefore, the King disliked him very much!

于是,就有多个专业协会代表4万多名科学家致信FDA和EPA,向他们进言纳贤。That’s why professional societies representing more than 40, 000 scientists wrote a letter to the FDA and EPA offering their expertise.

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“银行一直向外管局进言,希望在一段时间内,放行企业参与货币掉期交易业务。”据上海某一亚洲银行的交易人称。“Banks have been lobbying SAFE to allow corporates to enter into currency swaps for some time,” said an Asian bank trader based in Shanghai.

侍者斗胆低声进言,考虑到旅馆的尊贵及其习惯,这么做多半不合适。The waiter ventured to whisper that it was perhaps inexpedient to carry out the order, in consideration of the dignity of the house and its custom.

在中世纪,君主命令至高无上.如需进言或支持,他会宣召臣下巨富或显要朝议.In the Middle Ages, the monarch's rule was supreme. If advice or support were needed, the King would summon his richest and most powerful subjects to his Council.

我们花费了不少时间用于收集玩家的反馈和阅读你们的进言,对于系统的改进,其中既有好的有意义的也有废话喷子一类的。We have spent much time gathering your feedback and reading your suggestions, and we have seen many both good and bad suggestions on how to make the system better.

从调查研究、进言献策,从争取人心、凝聚力量,从营造良好社会氛围诸方面,为新农村建设服务。United Forces creates a good social atmosphere from all aspects for the new rural construction by the way of investigation, providing suggestions and uniting people.

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进言之,政治角色年龄资格的设计实际上体现的是政府在不同群体间对政治资源或利益的分配。Moreover, the design of qualification of the age of the political role actually shows that the government allocates political sources or interests among different groups.

虚心纳谏与善于进言是谏铮活动能否成功的关键所在,历朝历代、朝野上下都对之讨论得极为热烈。Accepting opinions and good at advising is crucial for the success of such activities. In each dynasty, both the government and the people had heated discussions about it.

进言之,如果存在先于本质,而当我们存在的时候,我们也在创造我们的形象,则这个形象是适用于所有人类和我们所处的整个时代的。If, moreover, existence precedes essence and we will to exist at the same time as we fashion our image, that image is valid for all and for the entire epoch in which we find ourselves.