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到底什么事物能让你的注意力分散呢?What distracts you?

他是一个注意力不集中的人。He is a scatterbrain.

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现在我吸引力他的注意力。Now I have his attention.

我开始转移我的注意力。I began to shift my focus.

他用谈话分散她的注意力。He distracted her with talk.

科南·奥布莱恩吸引市长的注意力Conan Gets a Mayor's Attention

它应该是雇主注意力集中。It should be employer focused.

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你拥有我的部分注意力。You have part of my attention.

马吕斯加倍集中了注意力。Marius redoubled his attention.

我们的文化崇拜注意力。Our culture worships attention.

“把注意力集中在你的肘部”他建议说。Focus on your elbow, he advises.

我们生活在一个注意力分散的时代。We live in the age of distraction.

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他把她的注意力吸引到那件事实上。He drew her attention to that fact.

看来没法子分散你的注意力。I see you are not to be distracted.

这是一种典型的转移注意力的做法。It's a classic diversionary tactic.

把注意力转移到你的呼吸上。Turn your attention to your breath.

一阵喧闹声转移了我们的注意力。A loud noise diverted my attent ion.

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他会试着吸引你的注意力。He'll try to attract your attention.

我现在必须将注意力集中在云达不莱梅上。I have to focus on Werder right now.

所以我把注意力转向了跑步。So I turned my attention to running.