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许久没提笔了。险些忘记了本身尚会用笔。Long time no write. Almost forgot itself still can use the pen.

曾打算在那么一天要写的信,就在今天提笔吧!Let's write that letter we thought of writing one of these days!

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能够平抚自己的情绪,比能够提笔写书更有智慧。He that can compose himself is wiser than he that composes books.

终于,他再也无法忍受这相思之苦,提笔给他的爸爸写了一封信,求他帮助他实现他的梦想。Finally, he wrote to Papa, asking him to help make this dream come true.

想了好久,终于还是下定决心提笔写了这封信。Thinking over for a long time, finally I made up my mind to write the letter.

提笔的瞬间,思绪就已回到了故园的秋。Pick up a pen the moment, thoughts had returned to the Hometown of the autumn.

你已开始慢慢淡出我的记忆,第一次提笔,最后一次忆起。You have begun to slowly fade out of my memory, the first time I recall, last time.

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当你走进教室说早上好,学生提笔就写下来的,那一定研究生。When you walk in and say good morning, and they write it down, it's graduate students.

然而,就在你提笔写下新年新希望的同时,你想起了去年。But as you start to write down your hopes for the new year, your think about last year.

随着电脑的出现,提笔忘字的现象越来越多。With the advent of computers, putting pen to forget the phenomenon of word more and more.

范仲淹觉得朋友说得有道理,欣然提笔改为这个字。Fan Zhongyan felt his friend's words were reasonable so he changed the word with pleasure.

王朝闻先生为永兴诚酿造有限公司责任公司欣然提笔,赞誉之情跃然于字。Mr. Wang Zhaowen wrote calligraphy for Yongxingcheng Brewage Co. , Ltd. with great praise.

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或许这才是最能精确描写我现在提笔写它时对它的感受。Perhaps. It was merely the most concise way to describe my feeling at the time I wrote it.

虽然调查最终认定他是清白的,但他辞去了公务员职务,提笔写作倾诉自己的醒悟。Though eventually cleared he quit the service and poured out his disillusionment on paper.

灰暗的色调中提笔,在混乱中搜索,我是否能够找到足够的理由让你留下。Painting in shades of grey sifting through the disarray can I find enough of me to make you stay?

如果你还没提笔开动,那么你最好将自己放在记者的角度来审视自己。If you’ve not yet put pen to paper, the best thing to do is put yourself in the position of a journalist.

稃衅坐在桌前,提笔写起自己的故事嘉儚,襼婊她却渐渐产生了不少浪漫的想法。Sitting down to write her story, Anne's mind begins to wander with romantic thoughts of her new neighbor.

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我很晚才提笔写这篇专栏。怎麽都很难开始动手。缺乏能量,相信大家都知道那种感觉。I turned this column in very late. I just couldn't get started writing it. Low energy. You know how it is.

当需要提笔写几个字时,越来越多的中国人意识到,自己已经忘了那些字到底怎么写了。And when it comes time to jot down a few words, more Chinese are realizing they can't remember exactly how.

如果你提笔辩护,总会留下痕迹,与其说是惩罚对手,不如说是让他们出名。For such defence always leaves a stain, and does more to glorify one's opponent than to punish his offence.