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“事后”审查。"Post-mortem" reviews.

徐是早上-事后避孕药。SEO is the morning-after pill.

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他总是事后诸葛亮。He is always wise after the event.

但是,当然啦,事后诸葛亮总是好当。But, of course, hindsight is 20-20.

让事后经验指导你的行动。Allow hindsight to guide your actions.

事后诸葛亮人人会做。It is easy to be wise after the event.

事后证明,王力宏做的是明智的决定。Wang's decision proved to be a wise one.

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灵活信贷额度工具不涉及事后条款。And it involves no ex-post conditionality.

IBM的比喻演化成一个事后产生的想法。IBM metaphor into more than an afterthought.

实验采用事前、事后控制组设计。Pretest-Posttest Control Group Design was used.

哦,如果需要,事后也可以把它们印出来。Well, if I want to, I can print them out later.

事后程咬金与李世民相遇。Things HouCheng bite gold and during the meeting.

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事后,郭军向鲍某赔礼道歉,得到了谅解。Later, Guo Bao an apology to get an understanding.

事后这名女儿告诉我那话令她觉得自己是垃圾。She later told me that made her feel like garbage.

事后劝告犹如死后用药。Advice after mischeif is like medicine after death.

当你干好某事后你仍然想被表扬。You still love to be praised when you’ve done well.

事后,伯母和莱媪耐烦谈了一大堆。Afterwards, Ao patient about aunt and monica a pile.

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因为预先做出反应远比事后补救便宜的多。It's much cheaper to anticipate rather than respond.

事后沈星将陈妍叫进办公室。Afterwards ShenXing will ChenYan call into the office.

阿内尔卡事后承认自己和多梅内克间有过争吵。Anelka later confirmed he had an argument with Domenech.