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今天天气很好,很晴朗。It’s nice and sunny today.

看那晴朗无云的天空!Look at this cloudless sky!

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但如果天气晴朗的话,来这里看看也不错。But it's nice on a sunny day.

天空多蓝多晴朗啊!The sky is so blue and clear!

天,依旧晴朗,悲伤依在。Days, still sunny, sad by the.

秋天天气晴朗,秋高气爽。It's clear and cool in autumn.

晴朗的天空突然阴云密布。The sunny sky suddenly clouded.

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今天天气会很晴朗。The weather will be fair today.

在六月里的一天早上,天气晴朗,......on one sunshiny morning in June

阴霾的早晨能变成晴朗的白日。A foul morn may turn to a fair day.

天气真晴朗,戴上太阳镜哦!It's sunny. Put on your sunglasses.

天气多么暖和,多么晴朗呀!What a warm and sunshiny day it is!

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天空很晴朗,太阳普照大地。It's quite clear. The sun is shining.

喺一个晴朗嘅星期六我哋去咗个公园。On a fine saturday we went to a park.

太阳在晴朗的蓝天上闪耀着光芒。The sun shone out of a clear blue sky.

夜里,天气晴朗,满天星斗。At night, it is fine, a star-studded sky.

如果天气晴朗的话,北海公园将是一个好去处。If it's sunny, Beihai Park would be nice.

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凡是天气晴朗的晚上都可以看见那颗星。On any fine night, one can see that star.

晴朗的一天前天我们去了日内瓦。The day before yesterday I went to Geneve.

晴朗的蓝,紫,橙,绿以及粉系。Bright blue, purple, orange, m green, pink.