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我还是面无表情、不露声色。Again I was impassive and expressionless.

在生意场上,不露声色会非常有用的。In business a poker face can be very useful.

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天知道,我是个不露声色的情人。God knows, I have been a very indifferent lover.

我也看她,面无表情、不露声色。I looked back, my face impassive and expressionless.

他知道他哥哥去哪里了,但是他不露声色。He knew where his brother was going, but he didn't let on.

我老板是个不露声色的人,我甚至都没有办法知道他究竟满不满意我的工作。He is a poker of face, even that he don't stir his eyelids.

小方多少有了些“感觉”,只是不露声色。Small parties were more or less "feel", but one's intentions.

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她知道孩子们藏在哪儿,但是不露声色。She knew there the children were hiding but she didn't let on.

我注意到他不露声色的注视背后藏着深深的厌倦。I noticed, behind the neutrality of his gaze, a deep weariness.

柯帕乌德在不露声色地收买所有小户的股票。Cowperwood had been quietly buying all of the small minority holdings.

我从不知道我的老板是否满意我的工作——他从不露声色。I never know whether my boss likes my work or not -- he is a real poker face.

天马博士给予托比的那段不露声色的父爱正是典型的中国式父子关系。Tenma`s unemotional love for Toby is a typical Chinese father-son relationship.

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在这里指合作,比逢场作戏更合适吧?“你的朋友们一直都在刺探我的性倾向,可我却偏偏故意不露声色。”I meant that your friends were fishing all these time about my sexuality, but I wouldn't play along.

赫斯渥尽力支付一切费用,丝毫不露声色。Hurstwood made great efforts to meet all expenditures without a show of feeling one way or the other.

江一点不露声色,一闪身就不见了,跟着就在五十英尺以外的水边出现,就那么一刹那工夫。Without warning, Chiang vanished and appeared at the water’s edge fifty feet away, all in the flicker of an instant.

在经历了社会体制变迁的东欧国家,人们的生活方式和价值观在发生着微妙的变化,就在这样的不露声色中,Kollar手中的镜头化瞬间为永恒。Having witnessed a rapidly changing social system. Eastern European experienced a transformation in lifestyle and values.

有一天放风,拉文不露声色地在监狱里走了一圈,发现一处围墙破旧,可以攀登。One day during their exercising, Laverne walked around the prison quietly and found a dilapidated wall, which can be climbed.

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它不仅具有社会调查学的意义,同时也对女性主义问题进行了一次不露声色的反思和追问。They are not only significant to social criminalistics , but also an undemonstrative thinking and questioning to the feminism problems.

她已经决定,一旦结婚,便不露声色地跟父亲家的那些她看不上眼的客人断绝往来。She was quite determined, when she was married, to rid herself adroitly of all the visitors who were not agreeable to her at her father's.

姨也承诺让我边上学边带孩子,我带着对一起玩耍的同伴的不舍,带着一丝对家的眷恋,不露声色地随姨去了。She also promised to let me at school as well as with children, I took on the play with companion not shed, with a pair of home of love, not show one's feelings with aunt.