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托盘菜单重新建造。Tray menu re-built.

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把这个面团放在一个托盘上。Put the dough in a tray.

降低升降台托盘。To lower the elevator tray.

茶杯和托盘全都烫洗过了。All cups and saucers scalded.

麻袋装,然后装托盘。In gunny bags, then on pallets.

所述外壳包裹在托盘胚体的外面。The casing coats the tray body.

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他弯下身来,触摸了下托盘。He bent down and touched the tray.

锚杆托盘的承托力。Support force of the anchor plate.

把这些玱璃杯和托盘拿走。Take away the glasses and the tray.

把这些玻璃杯和托盘拿走。Take away the glasses and the tray.

洗碗机安全,拉出托盘插入。Dishwasher-safe, pull-out tray insert.

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在舱门的左边正放着一个托盘。A tray sat just to the left of his door.

其五可暂存缓冲托盘。Fifthly it can be used to buffer pallet.

我蹲下身子,捡起餐具碎片,放在托盘里。I picked up crockery, put it on the tray.

这是一个标准的堆叠信件托盘。This is a standard stackable letter tray.

她给我看了装满几个托盘的透明的美味珍品。She revealed some trays of glassy titbits.

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适配器现在在托盘上具有图标。The adapters now have icons on the pallet.

两个前加载的最大通用托盘。Two front-loading universal trays for max.

请您把金属物放在托盘里。Please put your metal articles on the tray.