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他们是青梅竹马。They were childhood sweethearts.

我们过去在高中里青梅竹马。We were high school sweethearts.

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他们是邻居,男孩和女孩,青梅竹马。They were neighbors, a boy and a girl.

他与他青梅竹马的情人订婚了。He is engaged to his childhood sweetheart.

你的角色有没有青梅竹马的朋友?Did your character have any childhood friends?

不知为什么,我总觉得新兰的这种青梅竹马有点不太对劲。I can't deny what I believe, I can't be I'm not.

我好羡慕那些青梅竹马长大的人哦!I envy these people which HAs be getting old jointly!

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我好羡慕那些青梅竹马长大的人哦!I envy that people who have been getting old together!

我在利物浦和我青梅竹马的恋人舒拉结婚了。I married Shurla, my childhood sweetheart, in Liverpool.

我哥哥最好的朋友——我的青梅竹马,来和我们一起吃饭。My brother's best friend, whom I grew up with, joined us for dinner.

由美子嫁给了青梅竹马的朋友郁夫,两人生了个儿子。Yumiko marries Ikuo, a childhood friend, and gives birth to a young son.

罗雄先生43年前娶了他青梅竹马的恋人安妮克。Mr. Rochon married his childhood sweetheart Annick 43 years ago.thecouple

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托雷斯与怀有7月身孕的奥拉拉是青梅竹马。Torres and Olalla, who is currently 7-months pregnant, were childhood lovers.

在大人们的眼中,我们就是青梅竹马,只是那时我们没有意识到。We were childhood lovers in the adults' eyes, only that we hadn't realised it.

她总是以她青梅竹马时间的表哥弗兰克做标准来衡量别人。She measures everybody against Frank who was a kissing cousin of hers in her teens.

王子尚要去当兵,不舍他的青梅竹马的恋人子芯。The prince is going to a soldier, dont give up his childhood sweetheart lover core.

1822年,在巴黎入学后,雨果与青梅竹马的阿黛尔结为夫妻。After attending school in Paris, he married his childhood love, Adèle Foucher, in 1822.

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30岁的切尔西•克林顿和32岁的马克•梅兹文斯基可谓“青梅竹马”。Chelsea Clinton, 30, and Mezvinsky, 32, have known each other since they were teenagers.

马克西姆娶了他青梅竹马的甜心安娜,他们有个女儿名叫利鲁。Maksim is married to childhood sweetheart Ana and the couple have a daughter named LeeLoo.

宣和纹是两只彼此深爱着的猪,从小青梅竹马。Wen and Xuan are pigs. They have known each other and been in love since they were little.