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我走了进去。I went in.

他走进去了。He entered it.

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钉子钉进去了。The nail is in.

干么把我拉扯进去?Why drag me in?

我们的车开进去了。Our car drove in.

哈曼就进去。So Haman came in.

他招手要我进去。He beckoned me in.

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你是说偷溜进去吗?You mean sneak in?

别把他算进去。Don’t count him in.

我看见她开车进去了。I saw her drive in.

我看见他驾车开了进去。I saw him drive in.

我试图溜进去。I tried to steal in.

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他们叫他进去。They bade him enter.

我把钉子钉进去。I ram the nails home.

你必须把我们偷偷带进去。You must sneak us in.

他把钉子钉了进去。He drove the nails in.

他点头让我进去。He nodded me to go in.

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这种染料容易渗进去。The dye sinks in well.

然后你就钻研进去了。Then you just dive in.

而我放了两个字符串进去。But I gave two strings.