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到农贸市场啷块走?How can I go to the market?

我们一起去农贸市场吧!Let's go to the farmer's market.

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他父母在农贸市场摆摊儿卖水果。His parents are fruit peddlers in a farm produce market.

我在农贸市场买了些西红柿,黄瓜,小萝卜等小东西。At the farmer's market I got tomatoes, cucumbers, radishes, etm.

可应用于熟食店,咖啡,糖果,糕点,或农贸市场,以及更多!Use in deli, coffee, candy, bakery, or farmers markets, and more!

在你当地的农贸市场、中国或墨西哥市场寻找它。Look for it at your local farmer's market, or Chinese or Mexican market.

市场区为农贸市场和跳蚤市场创造了一个空间。The market square creates a frame for farmer's markets and flea markets.

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1999年,她在比弗顿农贸市场拿到一个令人垂涎的摊位。She landed a coveted vendor spot in the Beaverton Farmers Market in 1999.

我的灵感来源于去农贸市场搬运非常多的东西。My idea came from going to the farmer's market and having too much to carry.

新鲜的农贸市场,或者直接从布什摘浆果。Fresh from the farmer’s market, or berries picked straight from the bush. Mmmm.

还要注意选择西红柿成熟的季节,到农贸市场和专门的杂货店购买。Ask for them in season at farmers' markets, and at better and specialty grocers.

本地膳食者让你懂得在什么季节吃什么食物和在哪里有最近的农贸市场。Locavore lets you know what’s in season and where the closest farmers market is.

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普通草鱼群体随机取自长沙的农贸市场。The common grass carp group was randomly collected from the markets of Changsha.

我们算计好,总是在农贸市场发放免费样品的最佳时间去那里。We figured out the perfect time to show up at our farmers' market for giveaways.

自己采摘的农场和农贸市场都会为大需求的客户提供提供较低价格。Pick-your-own farms and farmers markets both offer price drops for buying in bulk.

纽约果蔬市场和其他的一些农贸市场卖的就是这种小西瓜。The small melon is what sells at New York Greenmarkets and other farmers’ markets.

作为一个经常光顾当地农贸市场的人,我可以保证这是真的。As a regular attendee of one local farmers market, I can attest to the truth of this.

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这个田园农场为西雅图的农贸市场提供有机蔬菜。This bucolic smallholding provides organic vegetables to the farmers' markets of Seattle.

还可以去农贸市场采购一番,然后花一天的时间来筹备一顿大餐。How about going to the farmer’s market and spending the day planning out an elaborate meal?

多方关闭边境农贸市场的做法引起海地民众的强烈不满。Multi-way off the border farmers market caused strong resentment among the people of Haiti.