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将第八天尚未吸胀的作为硬实种子。The non-imbibing seed of the eighth day was called hard seed.

这允许瘦内核提供硬实时支持。This allows the thin kernel to provide hard real-time support.

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硬实木为包括门槛与反斯利皮铝。Hard solid wood as doorsill with anti-slippy aluminium covering.

在深山老林大雪片子内块儿,他们说俄罗斯人可硬实了。In the realm of forest and snow, they said russia could never be tamed.

这就使硬实种子在大豆种质保存中应用成为可能。It is possible to use impervious soybean seed to preserve soybean germplasm.

当你设计一个非常复杂的系统,需要硬实时。When you are designing a very complex system with hard realtime requirements.

约翰逊在疗养院呆了很长一段时间之后身子骨又硬实了起来。After a long time in the convalescent home, Johnson is once again a healthy man.

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唯一的机会就是给小黄一些动力让它压着那些比较硬实的地方过去。The only chance was to get Miss Daisy over the rough spots by giving her some momentum.

我用手捧起一点肥沃的土壤,并使其成为硬实的一整块,把它放进碗里。I held a bit of the hearty earth in my hand to form a hard clump and added it to the bowl.

但是,一些消耗在于硬实时和不仅仅是读操作屏障。but some of that cost is due to being hard-real-time and not just the read-barrier per-se.

种子硬实性是导致狼毒种子休眠和萌发率较低的主要原因。The hardness of the seeds was mainly responsible for the seed dormancy and low germination rate.

一些系统需要硬实时响应,在很短的时间内对事件作出确定性响应。Some systems need hard real-time response, with short deterministic response latencies to events.

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我国无损检测系统不嵌入另一个系统,但他们有一个硬实时的要求。Our NDE systems are not embedded in another system, though they have a hard real-time requirement.

硬实种子不透水,必须经过适当处理来提高种皮的透性种子才能萌发。Hard seeds whose coats must be properly treated so that permeability is increased without injuring the embryo.

硬实种子种皮透水透气性差和对胚生长的机械限制,引起种子休眠。Dormancy for hard seeds is caused by impermeability to water and gas and mechanical constraint of the seed coat.

回家摆当院里让露水一露,次日清早起来便可以拣粗壮硬实,枝繁叶茂的往门楣两边插了。Home pendulum when home let dew is exposed, they rose can pick sturdy hard, with luxuriant foliage to the lintel side plug.

但不同生态区及不同驯化年限的线叶野豌豆硬实率不同,所对应的浓硫酸浸种时间也不同。But Vicia tenuipolia Roth in different ecological zones and domestication years have different Hard rate, the soaking time was different.

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在定义弱硬实时系统周期任务模型的基础上,提出基于RM调度策略的弱硬实时调度算法PV-RM。Defining the periodic task model for weakly hard system, the PV-RM scheduling algorithm is presented on the basis of RM scheduling policy.

由于垃圾回收会引发不确定的暂停,因此所有硬实时线程都必须使用不会受垃圾回收器影响的内存。Since garbage collection causes non-deterministic pauses all hard real-time threads must use memory that is not subject to garbage collection.

RPDS将处理器时间流分成连续的小段,并在每一小段中强制为非硬实时任务分配一个时间片。RPDS partitions CPU time flow into continuous segments, and in each segment RPDS will forcibly assign one time slice to non-hard real-time tasks.