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他注意到,她长长的波浪卷发,乌黑油亮。Her long wavy hair was jet black.

莫里斯说,吃蘸酱墨西哥煎玉米卷让小鸡的鸡冠变得油亮鲜红。Morris said taco sauce makes her comb light up bright red.

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不过,潮流指示告诉我们,油亮的短发并不时尚。Nevertheless, tide directive tells us, sleek bingle is not fashionable.

色泽褐红油亮,肉后干结细嫩,其味香甜浓郁。Brown color, shiny red meat, dry and delicate post, its flavor sweet and rich.

凑近看,这种糖看上去像猫眼石那样油亮,吃起来是甜甜的芝麻味。Close up, they shine sort of like opal, and they taste like sweet sweet sesame.

萨姆·霍索恩也是其中之一,他那谢了顶的脑袋油亮油亮的,很显眼。Sam Hawthorne, his near-bald head standing out like a beacon, was among the others.

他的辫子乌黑而油亮,皮肤如抛过光的铜块般黝黑,眼睛形如苦杏仁。His braid was black and shiny, his skin as dark as burnished copper, his eyes the shape of bitter almonds.

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因为也只有在冬天,雌雄驯鹿同时长有鹿角,而且拥有如此光泽油亮的好皮毛。Only in the autumn do both male and female have full sets of antlers and coats in such wonderful condition.

室外是满园青翠的绿皮竹,棵棵绿叶浓密,竹皮清幽油亮,风中的叶片莎莎摇曳欢唱。Outdoor garden green green bamboo leaves thick, Keke, bamboo skin and shiny, wind vane in the Sasa swing song.

这就是用彩色纸重新包装的中国,一个有着油亮的脸庞和空洞的,没有灵魂的美丽身躯的国家。This is the new, sterilized China, a country with a shiny face and an empty interior, merely a soulless beauty.

这个高1米4的机器人由油亮的黑色金属和白色塑料制作而成,可以伸展手臂、走路、说话和踢足球。The 1.4-meter-tall robot of shiny black metal and white plastic can stretch his arms, walk, talk and play soccer.

小猫仔很快长得浑身油亮、漂亮,生性调皮,由此赢得“欢闹鬼”的称号。The kitten grew rapidly into a sleek, handsome cat. with a boisterous nature which earned him the name of buster.

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他有着执著于滑雪运动造就的晒得油亮的肤色和椒盐般的山羊胡子,给人一个轻松的、平易近人的氛围。He has the deep tan of a dedicated snowboarder and a salt-and-pepper goatee that gives him a casual, approachable air.

不时将白条羊在火上左右翻转,一直烤到表面金红油亮,香味喷发,外焦里嫩为止。Sometimes will white sheep turn around on fire, baked red sleek, fragrance to surface in the eruption of Lebanon, coke.

春耕之后,泥土油亮而乌黑,像是被遍布全州的大矿脉里松软的烟煤染过似的。After spring plowing it looks oil-blackened or colored by the soft coal which occurs in great veins throughout the state.

其面部油亮光泽,就像涂了一层油似的,特别是额头、鼻梁、下巴等处更为明显。Glossy sheen to the face, like a layer of oil-like coating, especially the forehead, nose, chin, etc. becomes more apparent.

她有一头乌黑油亮的头发,总是在肩上挽成一个髻,我们从未听说过她有剪过或烫过发型。Her hair was fine, sleek and black and always put up in a knot in the neck. She wouldn't hear of getting a haircut or a perm.

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深度烘焙的咖啡豆颜色介于富有缎面光泽的巧克力色到油亮的棕黑色。Dark roasts can range in color from a medium chocolate brown with a satin-like luster to an almost black bean with an oily appearance.

那条皮毛油亮的小黑狗跑到了我的脚边,我当然要伸出手去摸一摸它,因为它实在太像我弟弟养过的一条名叫三子的狗。The glossy little black dog ran about near my feet and I was sure to grope it as it looked extremely like a dog with a name of Sanzi my younger brother had kept.

科勒陶瓷经过高温烧热后,陶瓷达到瓷化,釉面熔合,因而具备不渗水、坚固耐用和光泽油亮的优点。After high temperature ceramic heat books, porcelain, ceramics reached, glazed fusion, and thus have no seepage, sturdiness and durability and luster displaying advantages.