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鸭子嘎嘎地叫。A duck quacks.

拉斯有一些鸭子。Russ has some ducks.

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鸭子摇摇摆摆地走过去。Ducks went wobbling by.

鸭子大声嘲笑。Duck laughed derisively.

呱,呱,鸭子皇后。Quack, quack, Duck Queen.

鸭子的背部不透水。A duck 's back sheds water.

把这鸭子好好烤烤透。Give the duck a good roast.

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你怎么知道呢,鸭子?How do you know, Duck Luck?

鸭子的羽毛不沾水。A ducks feathers shed water.

还是从邦斯那儿弄只鸭子或是鹅?A duck or a goose from Bunce?

一只鸭子扭动着身子在路上走。A duck wiggled in the street.

鸭子是一种水上禽鸟。Ducks are a type of water fowl.

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那里有多少只鸭子?Unit4 How many ducks are there?

我怀疑他连只鸭子都杀不了。I doubt if he could kill a duck.

我喜欢我的T恤衫。它有一只鸭子。I like my T-shirt. It has a duck.

小马克像鸭子那样溅水。Little Mark splashes like a duck.

鸭子摇摇摆摆地穿过道路。The ducks waddled across the road.

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池上有一些鸭子。There were some ducks on the pool.

有三只野鸭子在水里。There are three ducks in the water.

“鸭子的智慧,”哈尔顿说。"Wisdom from a duck, " said Haldon.