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头发突然脱落是患免役性疾病的征兆。Suffering from sudden hair loss is a sign of immune disease.

确定您的免役最新。您是在更高的风险为传染。Makesure your immunizations are up-to-date. You are at higher risk for infections.

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头发突然脱落是患免役性疾病的征兆。That hair comes off abruptly is trouble nature disease exempt from service portent.

功效对皮肤过敏性脚气有独特功效,长期浸泡能增强免役力。EFFECT Skin allergies beriberi a unique efficacy and long-term immersion to enhance Immunizations force.

营养不良的儿童因为免役系统变弱甚至更容易被感染。Malnourished children are even more susceptible to being infected because of their weakened immune systems.

饮食结构中缺乏高品质的食物会危害免役系统,促使寄生虫更肆虐。The lack of good quality food in one's diet compromises the immune system, which helps parasites to flourish.

此有机芦荟可作为一个给皮肤的免役能力,有助于防止皮疹,划痕。The organic Aloe Vera acts as a balm to the skin and helps prevent rashes, nicks and bumps resulting from shaving.

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博古恰罗沃附近所有大村庄都是属于皇家和收免役税的地主。In the vicinity of Bogutcharovo were large villages inhabited by Crown serfs, or peasants who paid rent to absentee owners.

负责组织排斥的免役系统将很容易地识别出外来组织并强烈排斥它。The immune system, which is responsible for tissue rejection, will easily recognize the tissue as foreign and will reject it vigorously.

问题是,许多人体内有这些病毒的抗体,其免役反应让这种治疗有危险甚至致命。The problem is that many people have antibodies to these viruses and their immune responses can make such treatments dangerous or even deadly.

实验室会是英国国内在动物福利方面最好的实验室,且研究将会研究治疗致命或免役丧失的疾病。The lab will be one of the best in the country in terms of animal welfare and research could lead to cures for life-threatening or disabling diseases.

门荫给高官后代提供优先充作各阶层官僚以特权。同时也使他们享有经济的免役权。Menyin offered later generations of higher officials a privilege to have priority of being bureaucrats of all social strata, and allowed them to enjoy the right to economically exempt fron service.

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运用文献资料法,综述了运动性免疫抑制的几种可能机制,并探讨了运动性免役抑制的意义,以期为相关研究提供理论依据。The article reviewed the several possible mechanisms of exercise-induced immunosuppression and its function by consulting some relative documents, and provided the theoretical basis for futher study.

我们使用的两个类比,是加强我们的免役系统或加强“心理引擎“,获得更强大的忍受能力,不只是从负到零,还要从零到正。The two analogies we use " was strengthening our immune system or stronger "psychological engine" that has the capacity to endure more not just from the negative to zero, but also from the zero to the positive.