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这种想法是片面的。This idea is one-sided.

它们只是片面的美They're partially beautiful.

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这只是一个片面的解决方案。This is only a partial solution.

单一片面铝铸造件。Single sided aluminum cast piece.

那只是你片面之词。That's just your side of the story.

为什么他们报道得这么片面?Why are their reports so one-sided?

将调味品涂到一片面包上。Put some relish on a slice of bread.

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其实,这是对缺乏了解的一种片面的错误看法。So, how can one get over a one-sided.

然而,这个解释是片面的。But their interpretation is one-sided.

你想再来一片面吗包?Would you like another piece of bread?

现在的人拥有的不应该是片面单一的观点。In my opinion, the second view is one-sided.

切忌主观片面。Be careful to avoid being subjective and one-sided.

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但这一许诺也可能片面而具误导性。But this would be a partial and misleading promise.

我认为以上观点是片面、偏激的。I think the above opinion is one-sided and prejudiced.

最早型号的裟湄软盘被单一片面的裟湄。The earliest models of floppy disks were single-sided.

而当代“诗人”多把诗意片面地理解成文字美。And the more modern "poet" unilaterally the poetic Word.

但是,这似乎只是片面的想法。But, it seemed like there was kind of a way of thinking.

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现在的人拥有的不应该是片面单一的观点。In my opinion, the second view is one-sided and partial.

原谅我作为一个女子只能评论这些片面。Forgive me as a woman can only comment on these one-sided.

自由啊,自由,那只是片面之词。Freedom, oh, freedom well that's just some people talking.