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福伊特水电是福伊特集团旗下的一个分支机构。Voith Hydro is a Group Division of Voith.

水电供应切断了。Electricity and water supply were cut off.

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二滩水电工程项目是成功的。The Ertan Hydropower Project is successful.

另外,这里水电供应稳定。Also, electricity and water supply are stable.

租金、房租抵押金、水电押金、等等。Rental, Security Deposit, Utilities Deposit, etc.

他说,水电受到正在干涸的河流的限制。Hydropower is limited by rivers running dry, he says.

三峡地区拥有丰富的水电资源。The Three Gorges Area is rich in hydroelectric resources.

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快速奔流的怒江有巨大的水电潜力。The fast-flowing Nu offers vast potential for hydropower.

本项目装机为6.6MW装机的水电项目,地点位于湖南境内。This project is a 6.6MW hydropower project, located in Hunan.

装机的水电项目,地点位于新疆境内。This project is a 50MW hydropower project, located in Xinjiang.

但是包括水电,屋后还有一个温水游泳池。But utilities are included, and there's a heated pool in the back.

相比之下,水电和潮汐专利申请在2009年有所下降。In contrast, hydro-electric and tidal patents decreased during 2009.

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装机的水电项目,地点位于云南省境内。This project is a 6MW hydropower project, located in Yunan Province.

大广坝水利水电枢纽是海南省最大的水电工程。The Daguangba project is the largest hydro project in Hainan Province.

装机的水电项目,地点位于江西省境内。This project is a 15MW hydropower project, located in Jiangxi Province.

大容量水电机组宜采用交-交变频器。Large content hydroelectricity set should use AC-AC frequency converter.

水电供应齐全,管理服务优良。Water and electricity supply is complete, the management service quality.

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巴贡电站工程是目前东南亚最大的水电施工项目。Bakun Hydropower Station is the largest one in South East Asia at present.

这些事情水电环评怎么可能挡得住。How can Hydropower Environmental Impact Assessments stop these occurrences.

他们在玉器、采矿和水电领域投资了好几百万美元呢。They invested billions of dollars in the jade, mining and hydro-power sectors.