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水能使酒变淡。The water will dilute the wine.

泅水能帮我减肥吗?Can swimming help me lose weight?

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水能渗透吸水纸。Water will permeate blotting paper.

天气极冷时水能变成冰。Water turns into ice when it freezes.

少量的水能解渴。A small amount of water reduces thirst.

巫峡之水能覆舟,若比人心是安流。The gorge water. If the heart is calm than.

水能分解成氢和氧。Water can be dissolved into hydrogen and oxygen.

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水能促进消化并帮助我们产生抗体。It improves digestion and helps us develop antibodies.

洗池上刻有沟槽,以便水能流走。The sink shelf is grooved so that the water will run off.

木匠把屋顶造斜使水能流下。The carpenter made the roof aslant to allow water to run down.

三峡大坝的水能就是一种可再生的清洁能源。The hydroelectric power produced by a dam is clean, renewable energy.

水能使你保持水润,帮助你带走身体里的毒素。Water keeps you hydrated and helps to flush out toxins from your body.

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水能冷却任何内在的好胜心和要强的冲动。Water dampens any inherent aggression and impulse of this powerfulsign.

去年春天积雪融化的时候大水泛滥使得一些地区遭灾,但是阿巴克甚至所有哈扎拉贾德人都希望大水能缓解旱情。As the snow began melting last spring some areas suffered deadly flooding.

潮汐能和常规水能一样,是一种取之不尽、用之不竭的可再生性能源。The tide energy, like familiar water energy, is a kind of renewable energy.

水能使消化液更自由地流动,有助于消化食物。It makes the digestive juices flow more freely and helps to digest the food.

龙虱在水能游,出水能飞,并有很强的趋光性。Water beetles can swim in water, fly in the air, and have strong phototaxis.

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这股高浓度的盐水温度极低,使得围绕在它周围的海水能冻结成冰。The sinking brine is so cold that it causes the seawater to freeze around it.

它的水流的水能和好处因为其周期性的干涸而得不到应用。The strength and the good of its current are offset by its periodical dryness.

水能使松针保持色泽和柔韧,阻止松针大量脱落。Water prevents the needles from drying and dropping off and maintains the fragrance.