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把它寄给主持公道。Send it for justice.

此话怎讲?这是个公道的市场价格啊。Why? This is a fair market price.

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他们是要讨回公道。They are going to get back on justice.

作为一名法官,你应该主持公道。As a judge, you should dispense justice.

如今没几本儿书是公道的。Few of the training books are cheap now.

我将为他的侮辱向他讨回公道。I will get even with him for his insult.

这种电冰箱价格公道。The refrigerator is reasonable in price.

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第三,待人处事都要公道。Thirdly, we must be fair and reasonable.

价格公道,我们会认真考虑的。The price is quite fair. We'll think it over.

但是,对大猩猩的这种观点可能并不公道。But that view of gorillas may not be deserved.

他不想向石油公司讨回公道。He does not want to go after the oil companies.

一个人若正义,必行公道正义的事。And if a man be just, and do judgment and justice.

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像这样拿你取笑是不公道的,金赤,对吗?。It's not fair to tease you like that, Kinch, is it?

湛江哪一家眼镜店配近视眼镜质量最好,价格合理公道。Which one family is the best optician of Zhanjiang?

而且价格也公道,很方便的。And their prices are good too. It's very convenient.

不。找回公道?扯平?我本来得杀你。No. Get even? Even Steven? I would have to kill you.

他不希望做得不公道,他只是有点儿着急。He did not wish to be unjust. He was only in a hurry.

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我之所以这么做就是为了为那些错过美貌之船的人讨回公道的。I'm here for everyone who just missed the beauty boat.

我们一直与他讨价还价,直到我们觉得价格公道为止。We jewed with him until we thought the price was fair.

尽管如此,摩托罗拉价格公道,算是个不错的选择。Still, the Motorola is a decent option at a fair price.