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希望看到别人眼里送来这温情脉脉的一瞥。To have this warm glow that comes from someone else's eyes.

她一言不发,只是温情脉脉地注视着小王。Full of tender feelings, she gazes at Xiao Wang, and says nothing.

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他一生自始至终都对他的妻子温情脉脉。He retained a tender affection for his wife to the end of his life.

他从来不说温情脉脉的话,更不用说讲话时常带着讥讽和嘲笑的口吻。He never spoke of the softer passions, save with a gibe and a sneer.

门周围温暖柔和的阳光仿佛人一样温情脉脉。The genial warmth of the sun around the door appeared somewhat human.

友谊的港湾温情脉脉,友谊的清风灌满征帆。Harbor's tender friendship, the friendship between the breeze filled Zhengfan.

让人在浸受了一个漫长的寒冷之后,沐浴在了上苍所赐于的这种温情脉脉。Baptist by people in the cold after a long, bathed in a God has done in this tender.

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温情脉脉,星光搭桥,我们瞬时建立了心灵相通的联系。Over-romantic, with star bypass, we have established a telepathic instant connection.

他的眼睛也非常蓝,温情脉脉的,只要乐意他还能叫它们湿润起来。He had very soft, blue eyes, too, and he could make them water a bit when he wanted to.

加州红葡萄酒是复杂的葡萄酒,优雅而温情脉脉。Pinot Noir is one of those perplexing wines it is classy elegant and at times a little shy.

虽然你钟爱古董和丝织品,但你还是会将厨房和客厅布置地温情脉脉。Although you love antiques and silks, you also want a family-friendly kitchen and dining room.

然而历史总是狰狞的,绝不不想人们想像的那么温情脉脉。However the history is always ferocious, in no case don't think that people imagine of so full of tender affection.

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科学或许能解释为什么我们会迷恋布拉德·彼特棱角分明的下巴和乔治·克鲁尼温情脉脉的双眼。Science might be able to explain our fascination with Brad Pitt's chiseled jaw and George Clooney's smoldering eyes.

它使理智变得模模糊糊,以悲怆哀婉取代悲剧,并把较严峻的生活问题掩盖在温情脉脉的迷雾之中。It clouds the reason, substitutes pathos for tragedy, and obscures the harder issues of life in a mist of tenderness.

他温情脉脉地看着她离去,眼光中满含着乞求般的恋恋不舍。如此青春的美色,比醇酒更令他沉醉入迷。He watched her walk from him with tender solicitation. Such youth and prettiness reacted upon him more subtly than wine.

资产阶级撕下了照在家庭关系上的温情脉脉的面纱,把这种关系变成了纯粹的金钱关系。The bourgeoisie has torn away from the family its sentimental veil, and has reduced the family relation to a mere money relation.

资产阶级撕下了罩在家庭关系上的温情脉脉的面纱,把这种关系变成了纯粹的金钱关系。The bourgeoisie has torn away from the family its sentimental veil, and has reduced the family relation into a mere money relation.

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艺术上用温情脉脉的叙述展现深沉婉约的风格,语言幽默,善于化用典故。Artistically the gentle narrative of the poetry reveals a deep graceful style, its language humorous and literary allusions well made use of.

她在她那创编的时代并无不论什么前卫的思想,不过却令人吃惊地拉开了两性世界温情脉脉的掩盖真相的东西。She in her era of creating and no no matter what avantgarde ideas, but amazingly open to gender world full of tender cover up the truth of things.

他再也不赞美我了,再也不温情脉脉了,除非想跟我上床的时候。他总是谈论其他女人,说她们多么多么的“熟”。He never compliments me anymore, he is rarely affectionate unless it leads to sexual acts and he is forever talking about other women and how much they are "hotties".