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是否有虚假的重叠?Are there false overlaps?

谨防“虚假之友”。Beware of "false friends."

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无须管任何虚假的恐惧。And no false fear controul.

对虚假法律的异教徒。Against false laws of heretics.

虚假广告已成为社会公害。False ads become a social problem.

那时以前你虚假感情的馈赠。That erst thy false affection gave.

他像三元钞票那么虚假。He's as phony as a three-dollar bill.

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但“生产力”是一个虚假的满足感。But “productivity” is a false-comfort.

严防在您周围虚假的朋友。Beware of insincere friends around you.

最新的证据证明这个理论是虚假的。The latest evidence disproves the theory.

他们在那虚假的股票交易中遭受损失。They were burned by the phony stock deal.

放下一切虚假、展览、表现。Drop all falsities, exhibitions, displays.

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大多数时候老板做虚假的承诺。Most of time bosses make unctuous promises.

她向我们表示了虚假的热情。She showed simulated enthusiasm towards us.

但是,虚假的希望比压根没有希望更糟糕。But false hope is worse than no hope at all.

例如,我们常常产生虚假的记忆。For example, we often create false memories.

我的真心真意,致使我的目睭虚假。My most true mind thus makes mine eye untrue.

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她没有虚假牵连的总统。She has not falsely inculpated the President.

书面语体的虚假言语行为研究。The writing false speech act should be study.

我们经历的是一种虚假的亲密感。We’re experiencing a false sense of intimacy.