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用HPLC法对阿斯匹林散剂中阿斯匹林含量进行了测定。HPLC method was used in the determination of aspirin in granules.

当采用扩散剂N时,与腐殖酸混合使用效果也较好。The mix of humic acid with diffusion agent N have good effect too.

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结论升降散散剂具有明显抗病毒作用。Conclusion Shengjiang powder has significantly anti-influenza virus effect.

目的观察升降散散剂的抗流感病毒作用。Objective To observe the effect of anti-influenza virus of Shengjiang powder.

结论该方法准确、简便、快速,可用于盐酸氨基乙酰丙酸及其散剂的质量控制。It could be used for quality control of aminolevulinic acid and aminolevulinic acid.

本文研究WK型溃散剂在CO_2法水玻璃砂中的各种性能。It is gived the properties of CO_2-sodium silicate sand by adding WK-breakdown agent.

目的建立HPLC法测定阿奇霉素散剂的含量。ABSTRACT Objective To establish an HPLC method for the determination of azithromycin powder.

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目的建立酮康唑的外用复方散剂的含量测定方法。Aim To establish a method for the determination of ketoconazole in compound ketoconazole powder.

结论海藻酸钾散剂与寿比山具有相似的降压疗效,是一种安全、有效的降压药。Conclusion The efficacy and safety of potassium alginate for hypertension was similar to indapamide.

目的评价口服双歧杆菌活菌散剂治疗肠道菌群失调所致的急慢性腹泻的疗效和安全性。Conclusion Live bifidobacterium oral powder is an effective agent in treatment of acute and chronic diarrhea.

结果复方黄连膏比原散剂在临床上对皮肤的刺激性小、不良反应小、疗效好。Results Compared with the original powder, the Unguentum Rhizome coptidis was much lower side effect in clinic.

公司已全面通过药品、保健食品GMP认证,可生产片剂、颗粒剂、胶囊剂、散剂等剂型的药品和保健食品。In 2004, it got GMP approved, and its products are drugs and health foods made in tablets, graduals , capsules and powder.

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这些助剂是洗涤剂、渗透剂、柔软剂、分散染料扩散剂和匀染剂、消泡剂以及抑泡剂。The assistants mentioned here are detergents, penetrating agents, softening agents, dispersants, levelling agents, and defoamers.

三子汤散剂中的微量元素含量与其抗炎作用有一定的内在联系。There is a certain internal connection between the content and antiphlogosis of the trace elements in Mongolian Medical Sanzitang.

应用钱氏益黄散加味来治疗小儿慢性腹泻,并与蒙脱石散剂作对照,两组间比较有非常显著性差异。Apply Qian's revised Yihuang Powder to treat children chronic diarrhea, compared with Mengtuoshi Sanji, there's marked difference between them.

目的评价聚乙二醇电解质散剂联合莫沙比利治疗慢性功能性便秘的疗效。Objective To evaluate the therapeutic effects of polyethylene glycol electrolyte powder combined with mosapride on chronic functional constipation.

以吡哌酸为主药辅以高分子固体载体,利用固体分散技术制成吡哌酸骨架型外用散剂——吡哌酸骨架散。Pipemidic acid matrix powder, containing pipemidic acid and high molecular weight solid carriers was prepared according to the solid dispersion principle.

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研究了中药散剂禽喘安对鸡霉形体与大肠杆菌合并感染的药效学。Pharmacodynamics of chinese medicine Qinchuanan powder against chicks artificially infected with mycoplasma gallisepticum and Escherichia Coli was studied.

中成药通常用白开水送服,散剂、粉剂可用蜜蜂加水调合后再送服或装入口服胶囊中用水吞服。Often with warm water, medicine, powder, powder can be used after the bees with water delivery service, or blending into the water to swallow oral capsules.

目的用反相离子对高效液相色谱法测定盐酸氨基乙酰丙酸及其散剂的含量及有关物质。OBJECTIVE To eatablish a HPLC method for the determination of aminolevulinic acid and its related substances in aminolevulinic acid and aminolevulinic acid powder.