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我想要一张回程不定期的头等往返票。I want a first-class open return.

这次摸彩的头等奖是一辆新的宝马汽车。The draw's first prize is a new BMW.

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我要买一张去大埔的头等车票。I want a first class ticket to Tai Po.

头等车厢在前面。The first class carriages are in front.

“他一定是个头等角色,”汤姆说。"He must be a first-rater, " said Tome.

“宠物是我们的头等大事,”宾得说。"Our priority is the pets," Binder said.

他买了两张车票加头等卧铺票。He bought two tickets and Pullman berths.

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我要一张去法兰克福的头等单程票。I want a first class single to frankfort.

头等车室在前头。The first-class compartments are in front.

头等车室在列车的前面。You are not allowed to smoke in the train.

我想把这张票换成头等座位。I want to change this ticket to first class.

买一张去格拉斯哥头等铺票多少钱?。What is the charge for one first to Glasgow?

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他获得了20个头等奖中的18个。He mopped up 18 of the 20 first prize awards.

箭头分为圆锥头和破甲头等。The arrow head and Penetration into conical top.

胰岛肾病是管理头等问题。Diabetic nephropathy is a major management issue.

我想把这张票换成头等的。I'd like to change this ticket to the firstclass.

炎热在美国已成为与致人非命有关的头等天气。Heat is the top weather related killer in the U.S.

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不要对新生事物有排斥心理,并且不想让标签活动变成你的网络生活中的头等大事。Just don’t try and make it the primary thing to do.

在一个尽是头等生的国度,勤恳是一种美德。In a nation of overachievers, hard work is a virtue.

大港油田生产的石油质量是头等的。The oil produced in Dagang is of first-rate quality.