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他们去年夏天分隔隔离分袂了。They broke up last summer.

隔离无助于任何人。Quarantining will help no one.

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我们知道如何隔离家禽。We know how to isolate poultry.

咁,男人点样先揾到个女人系隔离?Then, how can men find their women?

这样会把空气隔离在水外。This will keep air out of the water.

消费者更倾向于选择主动噪音隔离器。B. Active isolators can distort sound.

这是最高级别的隔离级。This is the strongest isolation level.

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这保持了关注点隔离。This maintains separation of concerns.

你不能隔离任何一个事情。You can't isolate any particular thing.

英国大众想要隔离的教育制度吗?Do we want a ghettoised education system?

使用隔离罩的电热水器。Use a cover to insulate the water heater.

必要时对疫点进行隔离管制措施。Necessary control measures to isolate spot.

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他们在活动中,并不加以隔离。They’re not segregated in their activities!

这个病人被抬到了隔离病房。The patient was taken to the isolation ward.

有什么新的理由要这样隔离呢?Is there some new reason for this banishment?

做简单的隔离和放松训练。Do a simple isolation and relaxation exercise.

进程之间是高度隔离的。Processes are highly isolated from one-another.

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他们决定把他迁到隔离病房去。They decided to take him to the isolation ward.

它们被隔离在硅树脂层之间。They're sequestered between layers of silicone.

我现在是一个孤独人,与社会隔离了。I am now a lonely being, disunited from society.