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墙壁上没有壁纸,没有绘画,没有熟石灰。No wallpaper, no paint, no slaked lime.

不要使用生石灰或是熟石灰。Do not use slaked lime or unslaked lime.

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一旦发生氯气泄漏事故可加水及足量的熟石灰来进行处理。Once chlorine gas is leaked. it can be treated with water and sufficient slaked lime.

生石灰和熟石灰对粉煤灰活性激发的效果是不同的。Calcium lime and slacked lime have different results to excite the activity of fly ash.

生石灰、熟石灰及水硬石灰,但税目28.25的氧化钙及氢氧化钙除外。Quicklime, slaked lime and hydraulic lime, other than calcium oxide and hydroxide of heading No. 28.25

记住,可通过加水和加热实现生石灰和熟石灰之间的转化。Remember that water converts quicklime and that hydrated lime is reconverted back to quicklime through heat.

介绍了以熟石灰、水泥熟料、熟石膏为助剂的成粒工艺。The palletizing process with slaked lime, cement clinker and calcined plaster as additive was also introduced.

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试验结果表明施用废弃的甜菜石灰、熟石灰和污水沉泥较大地提高了小麦产量。The results showed that refuse sugarbeet lime, burned lime and sewage sludge significantly increased wheat yield.

最后将酸碱废液综合处理得到熟石灰和有机肥等副产品。Finally these reacted waste acid and waste alkali are both treated synthetically into the lime and organic fertilizer.

耐水速胶剂由聚乙烯醇、甲醛、尿素、氯化胺、水组成,填料为废石膏粉、熟石灰或白水泥。C for dissolution, further formaldehyde, urea and ammonium chloride are added respectively after cooling to about 60 deg.

添加少量的熟石灰可即刻消除碳酸根和腐植酸盐等有机杂质的影响。Experiments show that causticizing by adding a small quantity of slaked lime can eliminate the interference of carbonate ions and humic acid salts.

熟石灰干粉和反应助剂分别存放在各自的储罐内,投放量由自动调节装置控制。Slaked lime dry powder and reaction auxiliary agents is deposited in stock tank respectively and the input amount is controlled by automatic tester.

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小试和工程运行结果表明,该法熟石灰用量小,泥量少,经济可行。All the experimental and operating data show that this process is effective and economical with best treatment effect and low lime consumption and sludge residue.

本文介绍了在增湿活化反应器中喷入雾化水滴采用生石灰和熟石灰烟气脱硫的试验结果。The experimental results of flue gas desulphurization with caustic lime and hydrated lime activated by water spraying in a desulphurization reactor are presented.

采用生石灰和熟石灰对孝襄公路路基膨胀土进行改良处理,以提高路基承载能力。Modification of the roadbed expensive soil in the Xiaoxiang highway was carried out with lime and slaked lime in order to enhance the bearing capacity of the road.

研究了生石灰和熟石灰、生石膏和熟石膏对无熟料白水泥的影响差异,确定了最优石灰和石膏类型。The difference of effects of burnt lime and hydrated lime, raw gypsum and burnt gypsum on white cement was studied, and the optimal type of lime and gypsum was determined.

然而,矿粉结合料比为1.5时,由于添加熟石灰后试件太硬无法拌和,因此沥青胶浆的工程性质无法测试。However, engineering properties for hydrated lime asphalt mastics at 1.5 dust to binder ratio, couldn't be tested because the specimens were too stiff to mix at this ratio.

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以砂质自燃煤矸石和矿渣作为胶凝主体,并以熟石灰、芒硝和水玻璃为激发剂,研制出一种砂质矸石胶凝材料。Using the spontaneous combustion gangue and slag as mixing material of high-performance concrete, an orthogonal experiment with different match rations of concrete was conducted.

通过室内模拟试验来研究水位对沥青混合料水稳定性的影响,同时对掺加熟石灰抗剥离剂的改善效果加以评价。The effect of water on moisture stability of asphalt mixture was studied by simulated test in the laboratory, and the performance of asphalt mixture with hydrated lime additive was analyzed.

研究了熟石灰、纯碱联合压煮法处理宜春锂云母时压煮溶出过程中温度、时间、熟石灰用量和纯碱用量对钾溶出行为的影响。The effect of temperature, time, quantigy of slaked lime and soda ash on leaching behavior of kalium when Yichun lithia mica is handled by hydrometallurgy in the autoclaving leaching is studied.