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谁能说得清道得白呢?Who can tell another white?

所以给我清道,或者开出一条路来!打开这个牢笼。So clear the way, make way, yo! Open the cage.

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清道工作做得不错。我们要让你变成一个更名副其实的反派。Good job clearing the path, Redcloak. We'll make a proper villain of you yet.

居住在忠清道山谷老光棍药草网民给农民的客人。Living in the Chungcheong Valley herbs to farmers of old bachelor s guest users.

就像自行车运动中的照顾主力车手一样,Samuelsonba把赛手往边上挤,为阿姆斯特朗清道。Acting like a cycling domestique, Samuelson muscled runners to the side giving Armstrong a clear path.

丹尼尔奥格登调查的地方,演员和技术清道以及原因谈到它。Daniel Ogden surveys the places, performers, and techniques of necromancy as well as the reasons for turning to it.

专家,这是一个宝藏的古老证据清道及其相关的现代学问。For specialists, this is a treasure trove of the ancient evidence on necromancy and its related modern scholarship.

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晚清道咸以降的学术多有对乾嘉学术的反动,但乾嘉考据学风很大程度已内化到士人治学之中。The scholarship in late Qing China is a reaction to Qianjia school, but the way of textual research already becomes an inherent part of these scholars studies.

这些斯奎布人常常将一些消息悄悄传到斯奎布再生舰队,提醒这个清道工种族注意帝国的垃圾场,进而对此加以利用。These Squibs would often sneak messages to the Squib Reclamation Fleet, alerting the scavenger species to Imperial dump sites, which the Squibs would then exploit.

清道光年间盐法改革,徽州盐商的垄断地位由此丧失,徽商亦因徽州盐商之衰而现颓势。The monopolization status of the Hui salt merchants had lost due to the innovation of salt industry which happened in the period of Emperor Daoguang in Qing Dynasty.

总之,要说清道明这样一个复杂且敏感的问题,你不但得有人类学方面的博学,还要不带偏见,概括凝练,见解超前的本事。But you would need a degree in anthropology in order to draw any kind of conclusion, no doubt jaundiced and overly generalised and instantly out of date, about such a complex and sensitive issue.