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与遥远地区桀骜不驯的马赛人亲密接触可以增加旅行的神秘感。Close contact with the proud Maasai in remote areas adds to the fascination.

不像那些伟大的摇滚乐队,威尔曼认为他们不会被自己的桀骜不驯所摧毁。Unlike great rock bands, he does not think they will be destroyed by their own hubris.

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伊拉克的领袖仍然桀骜不驯,政府失调的一塌糊涂。The Iraqi political leaders remain recalcitrant, their government a dysfunctional mess.

房子虽已破败,却还是桀骜不驯,装模作样,真是丑中之丑。Although the house is already devastated, and unruly, but still, it's ugly one of the ugly.

基德处决了自己的枪手,威廉·莫尔,使这位桀骜不驯的手下永远地安静了。Kidd killed his own gunner, William Moore. The act held quiet what had been a mutinous crew.

与阿富汗社会出现的更大混乱相比,一条雪豹的死亡或许无足轻重,但是对许多阿富汗人来讲,雪豹是他们民族桀骜不驯精神的象征。But for many Afghans, the snow leopard is a symbol of the country's spirit of untamed wildness.

在地球“桀骜不驯”的双胞胎兄弟-火星那波动的表面,名为马亚特·蒙斯的火山赫然耸现。Venus's volcano, named Maat Mons , looms above the volatile surface of the Earth's "unruly" twin.

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他没戴帽子,树叶搅乱了他那桀骜不驯的卷发,叫所有那些发丝都纠结起来。He was bare-headed, and the leaves had tossed his rebellious curls and tangled all their gilded threads.

我承认这种生活有社会价值,我也看到了它那井然有序的幸福,但我血液里的冲动却渴望一种更桀骜不驯的旅程。I recognized its social value.I saw its ordered happiness,but a fever in my blood asked for a wilder course.

隋朝统一全国后,强盛的中原王朝不能容忍高丽桀骜不驯的表现。After Sui dynasty unified the whole country, the strong China couldn't tolerate the arrogant attitude of Gao Li regime.

而对如何处理四分五裂的南斯拉夫和桀骜不驯的俄罗斯,北约内部曾经分歧很大。There were the disagreements about how to handle the disintegration of Yugoslavia and the often recalcitrant stance of Russia.

他们担心阿泰斯特会像以前一样桀骜不驯,并破坏这支刚刚获得总冠军球队中的化学反应。They feared that Ron Artest would destroy the chemistry of a team that had just won a championship with his volatile personality.

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一只小老鼠后肢站立起来,瞪大了眼睛盯着相距只有几英尺的猫咪,眼中充满了骄傲自信和桀骜不驯。The tiny mouse stands proudly on its hind legs, stares defiantly into the eyes of the cat just inches away and lets out its loudest squeak.

这位69岁的导演有着前倾的步态和桀骜不驯的眉毛,看起来有点像一头永远准备向前冲的公牛。The director, who is 69, has a forward- leaning gait and unruly eyebrows, so that he looks a bit like a bull that is always about to charge.

这些绘稿分别被命名为“伊德罗舞厅”,“100”,“多利安之红”,“桀骜不驯”,“美女与野兽”,“66号公路”和“Serata之家”。These paintings have been named “Disco Idro”, “100”, “Dorian Red”, “Indomabile”, “La Bella e la bestia”, “Route 66” and “Una serata a casa”.

但是现在,在那一瞬间,我清晰地看着他们——男生桀骜不驯的蓬乱发型,女生则是截然相反,整洁,美丽而镇静克制。For a few seconds, though, I saw them clearly—the deliberately rumpled hair of the boys and the neat, tidy composure of the girls in opposition.

他尖刻的提示直指桀骜不驯的伊拉克,英美联盟四分五裂的安理会。The defiant Iraqi government, the Anglo-American coalition and the splintered Security Council itself all have been on the receiving end of his pointed reminders.

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他尖刻的提示目标直指桀骜不驯的伊拉克政府,英美联盟以及四分五裂的安理会。The defiant Iraqi government, the Anglo-American coalition and the splintered Security Council itself all have been on the receiving end of his pointed reminders.

她那桀骜不驯的卷发被藏在手术帽下,缺少黑发的衬托,让她的面容显得更加棱角分明,黑色的眼睛透着机警和犀利。Her untamable curls were hiddenbeneath the paper O.R. cap, and without her black hair to soften her features, her face seemed to be all hard angles, her dark eyes probing and intense.

北京对这一桀骜不驯的二世子一如既往的支持,也许符合双方领导人的利益,但是北京对其挑衅的容忍必须要有一个度。Beijing's continued support for its rebellious step-child may be of mutual benefit to the leaders of both states, but there surely must be a limit to how much aggression can be tolerated.