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时尚界人士会“穿一条裤管的裤子”。Fashion people do.

谁会穿只有一条裤管的裤子?Who uses one pant?

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你管它叫“裤管泰坦”?You call it the "Trouser Titan"?

我在裤管的地方多打了一些肥皂。I have a place in her pants playing some more soap.

派康提,你干嘛摺你的裤管?Perconte, what are you thinking of blousing your pants?

安迪卷起裤管,然后涉过了小溪。Andy rolled up his pants and then walked through the stream.

我打篮球的时候,这东西从我的裤管掉出来了,还粘着血!When I was playing basketball, it dropped through my trouser legs with blood!

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小猫跑过去,扯住科莱特的裤管,撅起屁股用力将他朝另一个方向拉。Cat ran bite Klaette's pants, pushed him hard ass pulled in another direction.

“我的枪是一直放在这儿的,”他拎起了左腿的裤管说道。“My gun I keep down here, ” he said, raising the cuff of his left trouser leg.

我向下看了看,留意到他两条裤管被折高了塞在膝盖下。I looked down and noticed that both his pant legs were folded beneath his knees.

她不害羞而好奇地直盯著我那曾经包裹双腿的空洞裤管。She stared with unabashed curiosity at the empty pants that once contained my legs.

可以将裤管向上卷起,打造锥形感觉,或者保持裤腿的宽大,将睡裤的感觉进行到底。Taper them in with a turn-up or keep them wide of leg, continuing the palazzo feel.

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而我却始终盯着地面,看见他的裤管上沾满泥泞。However, I kept looking at the floor, noticing that his pants were stained with mud.

空手道道衣之裤管长度是容许短一些只盖过小腿的一半。The karate- gi trousers may be slightly shorter so as to only cover half of the shin.

清晨的露水把裤管都沾湿了,草原中还有着千奇百怪的小昆虫吧?。Dew at dawn wetted my trousers . Were there many sorts of little insects in the grass?

至于蚊子,一分钟我就被叮了十余次,有的是从我的裤管里飞进来的。As for the mosquitoes, I was getting about 10 bites a minute —some through my trousers.

感谢诸神多亏了Elan和他那条愚蠢的腰带,否则我还一直惦记着我的裤管泰坦呢。Thank the gods for Elan and his stupid belt or I'd still be thinking with my Trouser Titan.

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我打篮球的时候,这东西从我的裤管掉出来了,还粘着血!要我怎么能解释清楚?When I was playing basketball, it dropped through my trouser legs with blood! How can I explain?

我想,或许这就是他们所说的喝多了,那两只膝盖在裤管里跳上跳下的。I thought this might be what they meant by drunkenness, those two knees dancing up and down inside his trousers.

主办单位也可能提供号码单安置在选手裤管上。The competition organiser may provide additional starting number bibs to be placed on the competitor's trouser leg.