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不只是丝瓜,人也是一样。Luffa is not just people as well.

女性,丝瓜可以帮您调理月经!Female, loofah can help you menstruation!

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丝瓜要如何烹调较不易变黑?How do you prevent loofah from turning black?

请允许我告诉你们一些关于丝瓜的事情。Allow me to tell you something about the loofah.

丝瓜那绿油油的蔓条攀满了瓜架。They were covered with the vines of towel gourd.

我非常喜欢它,多么美丽的丝瓜啊!I so much like to do it. What a beautiful loofah!

我和妈妈带着丰收的喜悦摘下了丝瓜。Mom and I took off the towel gourd harvest of joy.

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对了,你的丝瓜沐浴手套是在哪儿买的?Oh, by the way, where did you get that loofah mitt?

生命力强是丝瓜的其中一个特点。Luffa strong vitality is one of the characteristics.

丝瓜水在美容护肤方面表现出良好的应用前景。Luffa showed a good foreground for improving skin look.

一种叫做丝瓜的葫芦科作物被用来制造海绵。A kind of gourd called the luffa is used to make sponges.

都来种眉豆、种丝瓜。就种在南墙根儿。To them, a kind of towel gourd. Species in the south wall.

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绿色天然丝瓜手套用于擦洗身体,在洗澡。Natural greenness loofah gloves use for body scrub in bath.

墙上挂着的丝瓜都已经给风吹干瘪了。The towel gourds hanging on the wall have been dried out by the wind.

丝瓜身上是凹凸不平的,头上还顶着个黄颜色的小花。Loofah body is uneven, the head also wore a yellow color of the flowers.

第三、吃的。多吃水果蔬菜美容啊,丝瓜猕猴桃苹果等。Third, eat. Eat more fruits and vegetables beauty ah, loofah Kiwi apples.

就种眉豆、丝瓜吧,这东西不择地,先试验试验。It kind of cowpea, towel gourd, this thing is not optional, the first test.

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妈妈给我炒了丝瓜,我尝了一口,那味真美!Mother gave me was sacked a loofah, I tasted one, it taste really beautiful!

据李先生介绍,他每年都会从集市上买回丝瓜种子,开春种下。Li said that every year he will buy seeds of loofah and plant them in spring.

杜大爷每年都会在社区院子里种些丝瓜,美化社区。Every year Du plants towel gourds in the community yard for discount p90x dvd.