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这个清苦女孩泪流满面。The poor girl was in tears.

他泪流满面。His cheeks dripped with tears.

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一句心疼说得我泪流满面。A love that I burst into tears.

晚上,我躲在单身公寓里,泪流满面。I cried in my apartment that night.

尼加斯和大主教们听得泪流满面。Negus and his patriarchs were in tears.

风泪流满面的点头答应了下来。Feng nods with tears come down his face.

他坐在光秃秃的树下,泪流满面。He sat down under the leafless trees, and wept.

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这整个一系列的事情让刘易斯泪流满面。The entire chain of events brings Lewis to tears.

我几乎害怕撕那个泪流满面的女孩的试卷.I nearly fear to tear the tearful girl’s test paper.

哼,很会悲伤自我催眠,之后可怜兮兮的泪流满面。Well, self-hypnosis very sad, then crying poor face.

他盯着那片雪白的墙,泪流满面。Gazing at the snowwhite wall, he can't help his tears.

缐也许是山中酸风入眼,让人突然地泪流满面。Perhaps the wind. Let acid, suddenly burst into tears.

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我泪流满面地跑回自己的房间,把房门锁起来。I ran to my room, in tears. I locked the door behind me.

我再也无法控制自己的感情,不禁泪流满面。I could no longer hold up my feelings and teared heavily.

贝蒂拥抱着她的丈夫,泪流满面。Bettie held her husband, with tears streaming down her face.

她不由得泪流满面,因为她同雷斯脱的日子是过得很快乐的。Tears trickled down her cheeks, for she had been happy with him.

美国冠军摩尔曾一度濒临绝境而泪流满面。U. S. winner Ms. Moore got teary on the brink of elimination ─ Ms.

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Sindu泪流满面“而且你答应了我要什么就给什么。Sindu was in tears. 'And you promised to grant me whatever I ask for.

而每一次输球时又会感觉到有一种力量让人泪流满面。And each time will lose when people feel there is a strength of tears.

被风吹过路面的滚滚浓烟使我泪流满面。Billows of smoke blown across the road by the wind made my eyes water.