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你怎么看待童工现象?What do you think about child labor?

那些孩子是擦鞋厂里的童工。Like children in a bootblacking factory.

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印度有四千四百万童工。There are 44 million child labourers in India.

一个跨境童工,左边的,在采摘烟叶。A child migrant worker, left, picks tobacco leaves.

这家公司因为使用童工而恶名昭彰。The company was infamously known for using child labour.

不允许强迫劳动和剥削童工Forced labor and exploitative child labor are not allowed

警方抄查那个雇用童工的工厂。Police raided the factory that was employing child laborers.

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童工占农业劳动力的三分之一Children account for one third of the agricultural work force

他一直在报上攻击雇用童工。He has been running a lilt in the newspaper against child labour.

童工,在解放前一直像奴隶般地干活。Comrade Li became a child laborer at10 and slaved away until liberation.

他们还建造了康复中心,让得救的童工有机会获得新生。They built rehabilitation centers to give former child laborers a chance.

尚迪指出,在过去两年,印度仅判决了三起使用童工的案件。In the last two years, there have been just three convictions, said Chandy.

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设立半天授课的教育制度与当时依赖童工的家庭经济有关。The half-day system evolved in a family economy that depended onchild labor.

全球各地区中,亚太国家童工最多,以超过11亿。The global area, child, with most asia-pacific countries more than 11 million.

严格禁止虐待和拐卖儿童,禁止使用童工。It is strictly forbidden to ill- treat and sell children and to use child labor.

父母贫穷这项因素的存在,说明了童工为何如此难以根除。The role of parental poverty illuminates why child labor is so difficult to eradicate.

因发明便于童工操作的机器而受到颂扬,已是陈年往事。Commending an invention for facilitating child labor is now a matter of distant history.

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2010年3月,一名劳工监察员指控Skanray使用童工施工。In March 2010 a labor inspector alleged Skanray was using child workers for construction.

去年,人权观察记载了72起哈萨克人烟草农场的童工事件。Last year, Human Rights Watch documented 72 cases of child labor on Kazakh tobacco farms.

“也许他们没有意识到童工实际上意味着什么,这是巨大的,”库尔说。"Perhaps they're not aware of what child labor actually means, which is huge, " said Kur.