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旺路膜型展销尖将于星期五举行。A model railway mart will held on Friday.

之后,我在一次植物展销中认出了它的孪生姊妹。I later spotted its twin at a plant sale.

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这里展销的尽是新产品。All the exhibits for sale here are new products.

这里展销的尽是新产品。All the exhibits here are for sale new products.

展销工作人员为来宾准备品尝的崀山脐橙。Exhibition staff to prepare the guests taste the orange Langshan.

这边是钱包展销。全是最新款式,是皮尔•卡丹牌的。There's a new display of wallets, Pierre Cardin, the latest design.

这和现实生活中的任何事情没有字画展销一点相似之处。This doesnt bear the slightest resemblance to anything in real life.

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服装街是天津市服装展销中心的简称。Clothing Street is the abbreviation for Tianjin Clothing Exhibit Center.

跟我到展销厅往看看。现在展出的有几千种。Come with me to the display room, where thousands of varieties are on show.

通过包装提高物品的展销性,并能密封、防潮、防潮染。Improve the product exhibitsell through packaging, is damp-proof by sealing.

上海展览中心为大、中型展销会提供展销场地。Shanghai Exhibition Centre provides sites for large and middle-scale trade fairs.

通过包装提高物品的展销性,并能密封、潮、潮染。Improve the product exhibit and sell through packaging, and is damp-proof by sealing.

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本店羊毛衫展销,全为名牌,绝无次品。All woollen sweaters in this cardigan show are famous Brands, and no. defective goods.

本展览中心提供展销场地,不收场地租借费。Our exhiBition centre provides sites free of rent for exhiBition and sale of products.

展销厅为大跨度异型空钢管桁架结构体系。Exhibition Hall is the structural system of large-span special- shaped vacuum steel pipe.

我们参与了在2005年世贸部长级会议期间举办的国际公平贸易展销。In December 2005 we attended the International Fairtrade Fair during the WTO Ministerial Conference.

琳琅满目的海军牌各系列咖啡及红茶产品整齐排列在展销摊格中,让顾客任意选购。Various types and choices of our products were on display during the Fiesta for customers' selections.

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品质优越,包装精美的海军牌产品在清真食品展览会上展销。Various Coffee and Tea products with attractive packagings were on display at our kiosk during the event.

假如你是学生会主席李华,你校学生会要组织一次二手图书展销活动。请你用英语根据以下表格中的内容写一…NoticeHello everyone ! I am a student president Li Hua. The school should set up an English Literary Club.

公司在成都市青石桥花鸟市场设有“爱心宝贝宠物乐园”展销厅,欢迎前来洽谈指导。Bird market in Chengdu Qingshiqiao with "Love Baby Pet Paradise" showroom, please come to discuss the guidance.