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与大家共勉!Encourage with everybody!

嗯,呵呵,享受生活,共勉!Learn to enjoying life every day!

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我们与创造力和激情共勉!We share with creativity and passion!

愿共勉之。Let us encourage each other in our endeavours.

三者能连成一条向上攀升的曲线吗?值得共勉之!Three can even climbed into an upward curve? Worth of share!

有没有哪个女孩一起努力啊,或是你有更好的计划,共勉!Is there a girl to work hard to ah, or do you have a better plan, said.

全是好东西啊欢迎观看,共勉,加油啊!!!!!Are all good things, ah welcome to watch, share and refueling ah ! ! ! ! !

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最后,借用美国兰本达教授一段话来与朱华忠先生共勉。Finally, use the American professor Lan Benda a paragraph and Zhu Huazhong share.

在这里,我列了14条日常生活中似乎微不足道的小事,与大家共勉。So here I'd like to share 14 simple things to be grateful for in your daily life.

作为一个团队以及团队中的一员,我们继续以此责任共勉。As a team and as individuals on the team we continue to be humbled by this responsibility.

共勉!不要害怕任务和困难,每次都是学习成长的机会!Don't be afraid to encounter risks , It is by taking chances that we learn how to be brave !

我30岁了,生活教会我一些东西,我想与君共勉。I’m 30 years old, and there are several things that life has taught me that I want to share with you.

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让你我他相知、相识于此,互助共勉,合作共赢。Let's know and acquaint with here mutually, mutual help, encourage together, cooperate to win totally.

愿与菲菲共勉我奉守的原则。也祝菲菲能早日达成要成为艺术家的梦想,在美国完成学业后回到我们身边。Once you make up your mind to do one thing, persisting on doing it and you will reach the goal one day.

送给所有身材比较丰满的朋友共勉,身材和健康很重要!!!Give all figures the more full friend encourage each other , the figure and health are very important ! ! !

所以我将这封信交给我的伴侣邹至蕙,请她在我不能继续前行的时候与你们共勉。So I am giving this letter to my partner Olivia to share with you in the circumstance in which I cannot continue.

有一句话或许可以和大家共勉,就是,我们无法决定结果,但我们可以掌控过程。I think maybe one word can share with everyone, that is, we can't decide the result, but we can control the course.

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现对训练的基本程序和方法予以总结,以期与专家、同行们共勉。Now summarizes to the training main routine and the method, in the hope of mutual encouragement with expert and colleagues.

本文试将我们的做法加以总结,不敢说是经验,只期能抛砖引玉,并与大家共勉。This article tries to summarize our approach, can not be said to experience, only to start a discussion on, and share it with you.

愿我们真诚合作,为了共同的新世纪,携手共勉,再铸辉煌。Your selection between us and let , s encourage each other with hand-in-hand to re-make the resplendence for the common new century.