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我要拿一份事故调查表,是吗?Sall I get a report?

事故发生后,一个后轮发生了爆胎。A rear tyre was flat.

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他死于一次事故。He died in an accident.

那次事故使他跛足了。The accident lamed him.

手部安全就是无事故!Hand Safety is No Accident!

你目睹了整场事故?。You witnessed the accident?

现在,设计基础事故。Now, design basis accidents.

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总理坚持说那是一场事故。He insists it was an accident.

他在这起事故中摔断了一条腿。He broke a leg in the accident.

他对这次事故感到惊慌失措。He panicked over this accident.

一场事故发生了,但我们还不知道详情。The accident happened at 3p. m.

可接着他死于一场事故。But then he died in an accident.

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这个事故是怎么发生的?How did the accident come about?

再次回到那次可怕事故。So here's the gruesome accident.

事故是偶然发生的。The accident happened by chance.

这次事故发生在一九二四年。The accident took place in 1924.

这次事故发生在一九八二年。The accident took place in 1982.

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他仍然做噩梦梦见这场事故。He still hass about the accident.

他的车在事故中完全被毁。His car totalled in the accident.

他赌左胳巢在一次事故中瘦伤了。His left arm hurt in an accident.