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前期怂比狗头人,后期超神人头狗。Like a dog, like a god.

前期草案的内容是什么?What is in the early draft?

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前期的征兆并不好。The early omens were not good.

我可能会罹患前期糖尿病吗?Am I likely to have pre-diabetes?

这是个人前期预设的结果。It is the outcome of presupposition.

社会高度统一前期不可这么行事。Social unification prophase not so act.

我们现在正在做前期的预备工作。?。Now we are indulged in preparation work.

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咽喉发炎前期使用果亦佳。Best used at the onset of throat irritation.

庐山会议前期还讨论经济工作。Lushan Meeting was devoted to economic work.

在美国内战前期辉格党成员。Whig Party in the US in pre-Civil-War times.

为什么要了解一个规范的前期草案?Why look at an early draft of a specification?

他在前期准备时把每本剧本都从头到尾读过。He went over all the scripts in pre-production.

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前期准备工作已经完成。The first-phase preparations have been finished.

请提供样品时,投标前期工作。Please supply previous work samples when bidding.

他们的文化可以追溯到中古历史的前期。Their culture dates back to the early modern era.

能够运行前期脚本和后期脚本。You have the ability to run pre- and post-scripts.

没有前期付款,直到我检查所有的反向链接。NO upfront payment until I check all the backlinks.

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这是戒毒前期,里德在疗养所试图戒毒时死去。Reid died trying to kick his habit in a sanitarium.

协助督导、理整个区域的前期生产。To oversee and manage all area's of pre-production.

后来的经验集中在与两足动物的前期工作。Later lessons focus on advanced work with the biped.