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这是求之不得的机会。This is a most welcome opportunity.

窑工正是求之不得,立刻把驴卖给他。The kiln man was overjoyed, and sold it to him at once.

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我的这些如此优秀的同事和朋友是我求之不得的。I could not have asked for a better set of colleagues and friends.

如果大赛安排在超轻量级,我们求之不得。If there were big fights at junior welterweight, that's where we would be.

那人求之不得,于是成了交。我们的老农民就用胳肢窝夹着那只鹅走。The other had no objection, so they swapped, and the farmer got the goose.

费尔德斯丁反正就不爱好我,你给他的机遇恰是他求之不得的。You've given Feldstyn, who dislikes me anyhow, the chance he was waiting for.

经许多研究证实,这种方式最受女性的青睐,可惜往往是求之不得。This is the lovestyle that many surveys show women prefer, but often don't get.

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费尔德斯丁反正就不喜欢我,你给他的机会正是他求之不得的。You have given Fieldstone, who dislikes me anyhow, the chance he was waiting for.

然而,抗议者们所奋力争取的正是反对党求之不得的东西。The protesters, however, struggle to articulate exactly what they want in its place.

更多的信息共享意味着更多的数据可以被搜索,这也是营销商求之不得的事。More public sharing would mean more data that's searchable, which marketers would also appreciate.

对于政府竭力表明它在掌管这场行动,英国石油一些高管求之不得。Some BP executives aren't unhappy the government is going to great lengths to show it's in control.

这对温特伯恩说来倒是求之不得,虽然他也明明知道自己的处境非常尴尬。This fact was highly agreeable to Winterbourne in spite of his consciousness of his singular situation.

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尽管最初吃惊,但这位前摩纳哥前锋对如此强援求之不得。Despite his initial surprise at the deal, there are certainly no complaints from the former Monaco hitman.

在繁杂的日常生活中,像僧侣们那样冥想实在是一种求之不得的奢侈。In the midst of the chaos of daily life, we simply don’t have the luxury of meditating all day like monks in a monastery.

全球化的主要受益者是发达国家,他们对于便宜货品的稳定供应求之不得。The main beneficiaries of globalisation have been consumers in richer nations, who have enjoyed a steady flow of cheap goods.

在有些文化观点里睡眠是多余的,会妨碍我们工作,而有些文化观点却认为睡眠是求之不得的好东西。Some cultures view sleep as that unnecessary period deterring us from getting work done, while others welcome sleep with open arms.

对于印度的当权派来说,求之不得的状态是回到2004-2008年间相对比较平静安稳的状态。For India's political establishment, the best-case scenario would be a return to the relative calm that prevailed from 2004 to 2008.

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几乎没有什么比电信和科技这两大领域更能吸引中国政府的关注,打造一流民族产业更是北京方面求之不得的。There are few subjects of greater interest to Beijing than telecommunications and technology--and creating national champions in both.

今天看来,这些也许都是加官进爵的好机会,某些人会求之不得,可他却从不投机,专心作画。Today, these are awarded Jin Jue perhaps a good opportunity, some people will listen, but he never speculation, concentrate on painting.

具有讽刺意味的是,这次危机事实上是在全球市场中由美国一手造成,作为补偿,他们正在得到长久以来求之不得的东西。Ironically, to compensate for a crisis that America's own policies have created in global markets, the US is now getting what it has long sought.