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这是我的明信片。Here is my biked.

给我寄张明信片来。Drop me a postcard.

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给我一张明信片。Give me a post-card.

你们经销明信片吗?Do you keep postcards?

寄给他们一张明信片。Send them a post card.

我在收集明信片。I am collecting postcards.

连张便宜明信片都没有。Not even a lousy postcard!

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断背山的风景明信片。Scene a Brokeback Mountain.

送周期性的明信片和电子明信片Send Seasonal Cards and E-Cards

在基地商店里有明信片出售。Postcards in a shop on the base.

这张明信片是娇写给莉莉的。The postcard is from Jo to Lily.

这张明信片有一只熊猫在上边。This postcard has a panda on it.

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他买这张明信片花了5元钱。He spent 5 yuan on the post card.

我每天都想着明信片的事。Everyday I thought about postcards.

收到来自泽西岛的明信片!Received to a postcard from Jersey!

你从学校寄来的明信片我已收到。I got your postcard from the school.

体育馆右侧是家可以借书的图书馆,左侧是一个可以供避难者寄明信片的用纸板搭的邮箱。To the right is the lending library.

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把你的爱,装在明信片里,寄给你爱的人。To my love from someone who love you.

他从巴黎给我寄来几张明信片。He sent me some postal cards from Paris.

你把明信片寄给你叔叔了吗?Have you sent the postcard to your uncle?