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非酒精性脂肪肝会导致肝功能衰竭。NAFLD can lead to liver failure.

毛地黄会引起心脏衰竭。Foxglove can cause heart failure.

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唯派尔如何修复心脏衰竭?。How does V-Power improve heart failure?

这种疗法能防止患者血液凝块和心脏衰竭。It prevents blood clots and heart failure.

是比让器官衰竭的程度再多两磅。it's about two pounds above organ failure.

指顶花能引起心脏衰竭。Foxglove can calls cause heart failure, yet.

没有希望,心灵就会衰竭。--卡姆登。Without hope, the heart would break. --Camden.

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韩国前总统金大中因心脏衰竭去世,享年85岁。Ex-S. Korean President Kim Dae-jung dead at 85.

如果不经治疗,CKD能导致肾功能衰竭。If untreated, CKD can result in kidney failure.

苏美尔和它的伟大文明衰竭了。Sumer and its great civilization lie prostrate.

低血压也可以造成肾功能衰竭Hypotension may also contribute to renal failure

在衰竭前的最后生命阶段,湖泊成为一个塘。The final life stage before extinction is a pond.

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表面上的活力,是否是内心的衰竭。The active on surface, means the doddering inside?

无术中死亡,无肝功能衰竭等严重并发症。There was no intraoperative death or liver failure.

死亡原因主要为多脏器功能衰竭。The main cause of death is failure of multiple organs.

几周之后,她的肺功能减弱,而且肾脏衰竭。Within weeks her lungs failed and her kidneys shut down.

听其自然的话,就连高山也会慢慢消逝,甚至原子核也会衰竭。Even mountains wear down, even the nuclei of atoms decay.

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躺在这里逐渐衰竭的臭皮囊,是真实法。This very lump of flesh lying here in decline is reality.

于actos可引起或加剧充血性心脏衰竭。Actos . ACTOS can cause or worsen congestive heart failure.

这是因为谷歌的中枢衰竭依然是无法挽救了。Because there’s no way to correct Google’s central failure.