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是时候打开天窗说亮话了。It's time to talk turkey.

天窗又能起什么作用呢?And what role does a sunroof play?

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我是跟你打开天窗说亮话。I'm being open with you about this.

所有里面的房间都装了天窗。All the inside rooms were skylighted.

带天窗的斜屋顶连接着两边的山墙。It has a dormer roof joining both gable ends.

天窗的液压开关发现漏油。The hydraulic switch of skylight found leaking.

模块化的天窗能采集到更多光线。Modularized skylights permit even further light.

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他们三个紧紧抓住天窗,蜷缩在那里。They crouched there, clutching the open hatchway.

但是都被最上方开阔的天窗照亮了。But both are lit from above by generous skylights.

主要用于屋顶天窗、阳台窗。Basically use at window of housetop scuttle, balcony.

建筑天窗、浴缸的防漏材料。CONSTRUCTION Sealing materials for skylight, bathtub.

天窗和舷窗都要盖好,并旋紧铁盖。Sky light and porthole and metal covers to be closed.

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屋顶是简单的球场,有很多玻璃天窗。Roofs are simple pitches, many with clerestory glazing.

游泳池上方是一个带天窗的可移动屋顶。Above the swimming pool is a movable roof with skylights.

怀恩谢绝了,他压根儿不记得上次来的时候有这个天窗,这不奇怪,毕竟他和贝西在床上的时间多过待在密室。But they’d spent more time in the bed than in the closet.

太阳光通过两层的天窗进入这个地下室。Sunlight enters the underground space through two skylights.

他从天窗爬到下面的房子里。He crawled down through the skylight to the house underneath.

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屋面上还有大量的采光玻璃带和玻璃天窗。Many glass lighting belts and glass skylights are on the roof.

天窗,通风窗,老虎窗,百叶窗,软百叶窗。Skylight, clearstory, dormant window, louver, venetian blinds.

天窗很小,采光不好,让我们觉得像生活在囚牢里。Skylight small, poor lighting , let us feel like living in jail Lane.