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但是,氢气是非极性的。Whereas, H2 is nonpolar.

组合成氢气。And then over here is H2.

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首先,这是氢气中的两个s轨道,1s与1s轨道重叠产生西格。Let's take a look at some of these.

水是由氢气和氧气构成的。Water is made up of hydrogen and oxygen.

氢气是在氢气树上得到的吗?Do you get hydrogen on the hydrogen tree?

氢离子相互结合生成氢气。The hydrogen ions combine to form hydrogen gas.

火神他的命运是一团无性的氢气!Moloch whose fate is a cloud of sexless hydrogen!

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气球中可能会充满氦气或者氢气。The balloon may be filled with helium or hydrogen.

让它与氢气反应,气体,温度。T p You react it with hydrogen, gas, temperature T, p.

氢气因易爆炸和有危险,而广为人知。Hydrogen has a reputation for being explosive and dangerous.

为充气床充上氢气,浮在空中。Inflate a air mattress with hydrogen to float it in the air.

质子交换膜电解分解成氢气和氧气的纯净水。PEM Electrolysers decompose pure water into hydrogen and oxygen.

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当一个主要由氢气组成的星气团崩解时,一颗星星就形成了。A star is made when a huge cloud of mostly hydrogen gas collapses.

通过电解普通水可以制取氢气。Hydrogen gas can be produced by the electrolysis of ordinary water.

氧气可以用来呼吸,氢气可以用来做火箭燃料。It could be broken down into its component parts-oxygen and hydrogen.

而远离太阳的充满气体的巨大的气体行星,则主要由氢气和大量的水所组成。Further away, the gas giants, mostly made of hydrogen, a lot of water.

发明一种燃料箱来限制氢气总是一项大挑战。Devising a fuel tank to constrain hydrogen has always been a challenge.

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早期氢气的散逸,是否先为地球上将诞生的复杂生命建立了合适的环境?Did escape of hydrogen help to set the stage for complex life on Earth?

另一个过热导致的潜在副产品是氢气。One of the other potential by-products of such overheating is hydrogen.

当煤炭在氧气中加热时经化学反应会形成二氧化碳和氢气。When heated in oxygen, coal reacts to form carbon dioxide and hydrogen.