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被开除对我来说是因祸得福。Being cut loose was a blessing in disguise.

发生海啸,我们因祸得福。我很高兴亚齐终于得享和平。The tsunami was a blessing in disguise. I'm really.

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不过却因祸得福得到了受他帮助的那个女孩的爱。It is such a blessing in disguise that he got the love from the gal.

从那个工作中被解雇,结果却成了一件因祸得福的事。Being laid-off from that job turned out to be a blessing in disguise.

母女俩幸存下来是因为那位母亲因祸得福。Mother and daughter survived because the mother did the right thing for the wrong reasons.

失去工作其实是因祸得福,现在她有更多的时间陪同孩子。Losing the job was a blessing in disguise, she is able to spend more time with her children now.

还没跑多远,彭家就被日本的飞机炸毁,两人因祸得福躲过了一劫。Still running of far, PengGu was Japanese aircraft blow up, both a blessing in disguise escaped the fire.

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温斯顿•丘吉尔在1945年的选举中败北后,丘夫人认为这次失败可能是因祸得福。WHEN Winston Churchill lost the 1945 election, his wife remarked that the defeat might be a blessing in disguise.

种种迹象表明,电子商务或将因祸得福,成为走向全民普及的里程碑。A variety of evidence make clear, electronic business affairs or a fault on the right side, become milepost of all-pervading of trend the whole people.

被开除对我来说是因祸得福.现在我有机会去寻找最符合我条件和兴趣的工作了.我的调查告诉我这样的机会现在正摆在我的面前.您愿意听听我在工作方面的新技能吗?My research suggests that such an opportunity may be the one on your table. Would you like to hear more about my skills in working with new technology?

虽然海螺死因不详,但不少当地人却相当乐观,他们认为可以利用螺壳制成各种工艺品,然后高价卖给游客以“创收”。不过,也许他们这种“因祸得福”的构想要等到恶臭退去之后才能实现。But residents said the mass snail death could be a boon for people who make dolls and other handicraft items with the shells and sell them at high prices to tourists.

为了多攒一些钱应付开支,在悉尼皇室复活节表演秀上,随着人群的欢呼声他从14米高的塔上纵身跃入水池…那真是因祸得福啊。To make money, among other things, he plunged from a tower 14 metres high into a pool of water for crowds at the Royal Easter Show in Sydney last year. It was a blessing in disguise.

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虽然,工作也许会变得很糟,可是因祸得福焉知非福,以是应该遏制诉苦,寻求办理方案,最重要的是,要坚信自我,挣脱负面思想。Sure, things may be screwed up, but they can be changed for the better. Find solutions instead of complaints. And most of all, learn to believe in yourself, and to block out negative self-thinking.