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风华是一指流沙,苍老是一段年华。Elegance is a means sand, old is a Love.

阮风华来自山东省的一个小村庄,他的父母都是农民。Ruan comes from a Shandong village where his parents were farmers.

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恒达物业,金牌物业,谨以微笑注解风华人生。Hengda property, gold property, I would like to note life with a smile.

你知道有部小说和电影叫,风华高地,没人知道。Do you know the novel and movie called Weathering Heights? No one? So you do.

王风华艺术里面,最重要的一环应该是来自他的「隐喻性因素」。In Wang Fenghua's art, metaphor of history is what runs through his creations.

一切都没有了,只有我还站着,像一根风华的石柱。Everything had disappeared except me. I still stood there like a weathered stone pillar.

现在行业秩序很混乱,阮风华的梦想就是使得行业标准化。Still the industry is unregulated, and Ruan’s dream is to help it become more standardized.

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等待只是无期的煎熬,英雄壮志才陪的上她的风华绝姿。Wait just life of suffering, the hero to accompany her ambition of the pose unique wireless.

我的老爸是个神话,搞定老妈绝代风华,就算有你掉光了牙我也可以带你去火辣辣。Delta, my dad is a myth, get Mom anatomia, even if you are toothless and I can take you to the hot.

解读郑州老火车站,百年风华会让人们深深感到历史的厚重。Interpretation of the old railway station of Zhengzhou, 100 years make people have miserable feeling.

什么原因使风和日丽和雅苑将延续甚至超越第一期风华苑的销售势头呢?What causes danger and Nga Court will continue even beyond the first phase of the sales momentum wind Wah Court?

火卫二因碎屑岩或风华层的覆盖而表面光滑,除了最近的撞击坑。Deimos has a smooth surface due to a blanket of fragmental rock or regolith, except for the most recent impact craters.

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只要你从天上人间接受美好、希望、欢乐、勇气和力量的信号,你就青春永驻,风华长存。So long as it receives messages of beauty, hope, courage and power from man and from the infinite, so long as you are young.

风华高科愿与广大客户、供应商及业界同仁共同缔造电子信息产业的广阔未来!Fenghua Hi-Tech customers willing, suppliers and industry colleagues to create a vast electronic information industry, the future!

显而易见,像瑞安和风华这样的公司是能真正理解大多数旅行者们的需求的公司。Obviously, what companies like Ryanair and Fung Wah have figured out is this is what a tremendous segment of traveling people want.

我家女主人见小娘子风华过人,有心结识,请您移步一叙。My house's hostess sees the small Niang sub- luxury lead a person, there is center becoming friends with, please move to tread one Xu.

在山东省,很多小村庄都有一些武术家的后裔,阮风华至今还记的他的师父是一位始终带着微笑的奇怪的人。Back then every village in that part of Shandong had a kung fu expert, and Ruan remembers his master’s strange personality with a smile.

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舞我们咫尺的距离,殆尽风华,刻不了永恒的誓言,我躲在落日的余晖下,演绎陌路的繁华。Dance we very close distance, completely Fenghua, moment not eternal vows, I hide in the rays of the setting sun, deductive way downtown.

我不喜欢现在流行的暴力打斗,中国的传统功夫不会充斥着侵略性的进攻",阮风华解释道。I don’t like the really violent fighting style that’s fashionable now. In Chinese tradition kung fu wasn’t about aggression, ” says Ruan.

对每个人来说,在我们从顽皮稚童到青涩少年再到风华青年的生命历程中,老师是最值得我们尊重和感恩的人!For everyone, when we from a naughty children to a sentimental young and to a mature young, teachers are the most worthy of our respect and gratitude!