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打出来的女人口服,疼出来的的女人心服。Hit woman oral pain, the woman convinced.

不小心服伤了小孩子?Have you accidentally kicked a small child?

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我使心服他放弃了阿谁想法。I succeeded in advising him to give up his idea.

希望你们能设法使心服他们加速出产。I hope you'll try to convince them to step up production.

每服十丸,空心服,温酒送下。Each serving 10 pills Kong Xinfu, warm wine to send the next.

当你真像鸵鸟那么大时,小鸡才会心服。When you are really as big as ostrich, chicken's knowing clothes.

父亲以增长零用钱为饵诡计使心服吉姆。Dad is trying to persuade Jim by dangling the carrot of hellogher allowance.

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信徒皆为祭司,受职者与平信徒同心服事。We believe in the priesthood of all believers, the parity of ministers and the laity.

我抱怨了那种简单的身份解读,却不知道如何提供那些足以令人心服的新解读。I complained the simple interpretation on identity, but I do not know how to offer a credible answer.

即使赞成他目的论和反简化论点的心理学家也未必对他心服。Even psychologists who applaud his teleology and antireductionist position may not be comfortable with him.

只有赢得这种“心服”,才具备了在同代人中做核心的条件。Can't possess and do the central condition with taking the place of the philtrum unless gaining this kind of " genuinely convinced ".

这本书并无及时出版,以改变我的家庭规模。但是就算它出版患上早点,也不能使心服我放弃再生一个的念头。The book wasn't published in time to change my family size, but even if it had been, it wouldn't have persuaded me to abstain from reproduction.

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连宁阳都忍不住心服,若真是这样,那德妃娘娘还是位巾帼女英雄。Even rather the sun all cannot aids but admiring sincerely, whether be really so, that virtuous imperial concubine an empress is still a woman's heroine.

我们为各县的公开教会祷告,求主赐给他们忠心中心服事的牧者,并且使信徒和牧者都同样充满传扬福音的热忱。We uplift all the open churches in the county seats, for the faithful labor of their pastors and their passion in sharing the Gospel into their communities.

主要使用政策、法律教育、情感、逻辑、公正、品德、善意和素质使犯罪嫌疑人佩服讯问人员,口服而且心服。Primarily using the policy, law, education, emotion, logic, fair, moral qualities, good intentions make the crime suspect person admire the question personnel, and take orally and admire sincerely.