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于是妈妈就把胎毛也剪掉了,不过妈妈没把头发丢掉。So she put lanugo also cut off, but her mother did not lose her hair.

胎毛毛干先端鳞片类型都为扁平型。The scale pattern of the tip of the lanugo hair shaft is in flat-shaped.

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中鸽胎毛笔技术培训中心。为创业者加工。Dove in the foetal hair pen technology training center for entrepreneurs.

他开始长出细绒毛,或称作胎毛了,虽然只有一些会在出生的时候还保留着,现在它们却覆盖着他的身体。He is beginning to shed the fine hair or lanugo that has covered his body although some may remain at birth.

现在,你的小宝宝已经做好了迎接外面世界的准备,他褪落了大多数的胎毛和胎儿皮脂。By now, your little guy is getting ready for the outside world by shedding most of the lanugo hair and creamy vernix.

妈妈觉等宝宝留那一小撮的胎毛很有意思。开始头发短的时候妈妈还不觉得有味。Jue, mother, baby stay in the handful of lanugo very interesting. Hair begins when the mother does not feel short-flavored.

她还长出了一层细绒毛,补称做胎毛,通常会在36周的时候脱落并被毫毛替代。She’s also developing a thin layer of very fine hair called lanugo, which is normally shed and replaced with vellus hair by week 36.

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华夏胎毛笔除了为您订制胎毛笔以外,还有制作脐带聚财印章,华文取名以及适合年轻妈妈和新生宝宝学习使用的婴幼儿产品。Besides the Baby Hair Brushes, we also provide the Baby Haircut Service, Baby Umbilical Cord Stamps, Baby Chinese Name Selection and Couples' Brushes for New Weds.

因为是孔教的社会嘛,所以他们家庭观念很重。这样就有人专门向家长提供服务,比如用婴儿的胎毛做成传统的毛笔。In this Confucian society where family values are highly prized, suppliers also offer services for parents to have traditional Korean calligraphy brushes made from their child's hair.

头发长得快与慢、细与粗、多与少与剃不剃胎毛并无关系,而是与孩子的生长发育、营养状况及遗传等有关。Fast and slow growing hair, thin and thick, with less and do not shave shaving lanugo has nothing to do with the child's growth and development, nutritional status and genetic and so on.

不同部位之间胎毛形态出现的功能分化,为狍出生后加强对身体的保温和对抗机械损伤做了相应准备。The function differentiation of lanugo morphology for different parts of the fetus makes preparations for protecting abdomen and limb and preventing mechanical damage effectively after birth.