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他是在激将法的鼓动下做这件事的。He did it on a dare.

这不过是他的激将法。He's just egging you on.

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我用激将法使他做了件很蠢的事。I provoked him into doing something really stupid.

我用激将法要他从桥上跳入水中。I dared him to jump from the bridge into the river.

这样的“激将法”一般不会有好效果。Such a "blindingly" general will not be any good results.

昨天夜里十二点,他在激将法的鼓动下跳进河里。He jumped in the river at twelve o'clock last night for a dare.

玉珠用激将法说动了振达,振达去向点灯借自行车接人。Jade bead goad to succeed with vibration, vibration pick people up to lend the bike to light.

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“所以,”兔子很满意我们的安静,“我们要做的是用激将法引诱他晚上出来。”"So, " he said, satisfied with our silence. "What if we lure him out at night with a challenge?"

他们叫来了华珍父女,父亲对华珍没有什么自信心,但这反而成了激将法。They call the HuaZhen porters, father's Jane have no self-confidence, but this became instead dared.

为了让其别人心服口服,谢雷震用激将法让安也参与了义卖运动。In order to let the others take orally, XieLeiZhen goad to let Ann was also involved in the sale of sports.

我激将法这些鸡蛋与吸管吸出内容完全,因此只能炮弹依然存在。I prodded these eggs with a pipette and sucked the contents out completely so that only the shells remained.

我觉得加里犯了一个错误,因为他对媒体使激将法,要求媒体跟踪他,看能否发现他的任何不良行径,不过我也为他感到难过。I thought Gary had made an error by challenging the press to tail him to see if they could find any dirt, but I felt bad for him, too.

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当他们表示,他们认为第94中队拥有前线最好的飞行员时,我用激将法,让他们和其它中队的飞行员比赛来证明这一点。When they indicated they felt the 94th Aero Squadron had the best pilots at the front, I challenged them to prove it through competition with the other squadrons.

谢孝彰在监狱里绝食,韩绍功来看他,并运用激将法,通知他师长曾经任命她为一个排长,跟着韩绍功作战。XieXiaoZhang hunger strike in jail, HanShaoGong came to see him and using dared, informed his teachers had her appointment as a platoon, followed HanShaoGong operations.

政委看出罗金宝和老百姓有很深的阶级感觉,马司令感觉不能用常规的方法,他提出激将法。Political commissar see Luo Jinbao feeling and the common people have deep class, horse commander, feelings cant use the conventional way he arouse method is put forward.

这样,我可始终立于主动,一切敌人的“挑战书”,旁人的“激将法”,都应束之高阁,置之不理,丝毫也不为其所动。This is how we will be able to maintain our initiative from beginning to end, and as for the enemy's "challenges" and other people's "taunts", we should imperturbably brush them aside and ignore them.