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片梭织机必须与光盘兼容。Must be compatible with ROM Gripper.

有梭织机是多种多样的,它可分为三类。The old woman was weaving tweed on her loom.

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人们已知更多关于用过的织机信息。More information is known about the looms used.

在该系统中,经纱被送入织机。In this system, the warp yarns are fed to the loom.

本厂拥有剑杆织机80台,月供货30万米。The plant has Rapier 80, Availability on 30 meters.

然而,最好是购买剑杆织机和GLX模型。However, the best buys are the Rapier and GLX models.

本文改进了LL680剑杆织机的打纬机构。This paper improved the LL680 Rapier beating mechanism.

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同时用于绞织网格布及平织,织机投资成本轻。It can be used in weaving gridding cloth and flat weaving.

本文以剑杆织机控制系统为研究对象。The control system of rapier loom is studied in this paper.

保持织机经纱张力的恒定是织机的一项关键技术。Keeping the steady warp tension of loom is a key for a loom.

公司斥资引进瑞士片梭织机,整经机。We have advanced looms and warping machine from Switzerland.

这个村庄是由Khamu,苗族,老挝织机人居住。This village is populated by Khamu, Hmong and Lao Loom people.

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当然,还有许多创造于十二和十三世纪的织机简图。There are many diagrams originate in the 12th and 13th centuries.

我公司是国内最生产剑杆织机的厂家之一。Our company is the most productive rapier one of the manufacturers.

从手工织机到有梭织机到现在的剑杆织机、喷气式织机。From the hand looms to shuttle looms and now to the rapier, jet looms.

利用ANSYS软件建立了剑杆织机机架的有限元模型。The FEM model of rapier loom frame is established with ANSYS software.

当年的编织机似乎都是从日本进口的。According to Grandpa, those machines were probably imported from Japan.

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这本书再三强调,中国的织机比其它所有的织机都要高级的多。It repeatedly claims the Chinese looms to be far superior to all others.

设计特宽幅织机计算机控制系统。The computer control system of the extra-width breadth loom is designed.

本文介绍对1511型喷气织机主气缸供气凸轮所作的改进设计。Improved design is introduced of air-supply cam of air-jet loom type 1511.