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笑是危险的而且具有叛逆性。Laughter is dangerous and rebellious.

但是,他们并不认为自己叛逆。But they don`t see themselves as "rebels".

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因为长盛不衰就没有人敢称之为叛逆。For if it prosper, none dare call it treason.

对于一个叛逆的高中生,辍学并非是坏事。Not bad for a rebellious high school dropout.

在叛逆者的宇宙中,死亡颂扬不公。In the rebels universe, death exalts injustice.

在叛逆者的宇宙中,死亡颂扬不公。In the rebel s universe, death exalts injustice.

北美叛逆的鲁路修角色投票活动第一回!Round 1 North American Code Geass Character Poll!

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布什先生是英国人所称的那种叛逆的家伙。Mr Bush is what the British call an inverted snob.

高行健的叛逆精神是宝贵的财富。The rebel spirit of Gao Xingjian is valuable wealth.

她对爱情的表达是大胆的、叛逆的。Her expressions towards love were bold and traitorous.

这或许是我们对父母的一种叛逆,连他们开的车我们也不喜欢。Maybe it’s a revolt against the cars our parents drove.

我不喜欢听人指挥,吸大麻使我感到自己有叛逆性。But I felt isolated there. I was smoking weed every day.

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我开始吸大麻是因为它能给我一种叛逆感。I tried marijuana because it gave me a sense of rebellion.

第四章分析网络文学的叛逆性特点。Chapter four devotes mainly to the treachery characteristic.

也因此,我从小就养成了一个叛逆甚至死不罢休的人生态度。Growing up, I developed a rebellious never-say-die attitude.

从这一点上说,我可能是家族的叛逆者,”她说。I’m the black sheep of my family, in that sense, ” she said.

你被视为革新者、开拓者、成功的叛逆者。You are seen as an innovator, a pioneer, a successful rebel.

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创业堪称一条可行的解决之道,而并非一种叛逆之选。Entrepreneurship can be a viable path, not a renegade choice.

朱伟对自己的水墨画带有叛逆性的自豪。Zhu Wei is proudly defiant about his approach to ink painting.

穿军装的叛逆通常要为自己的思想付出代价。Usually, rebels in uniform suffer at the expense of their ideas.