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只需要拷贝和粘贴。Just copy and paste.

一种低分辨率的数字杂志拷贝A Low-Res Digital Magazine Copy

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我们想要做一份res的拷贝?I feel pretty good here. Right?

参见拷贝数目变异体。CNV --- See copy number variant.

从iPod拷贝歌曲到电脑Copy songs from iPod to computer

把它拷贝下来,存为CODE。Copy it down, depositors to CODE.

对于这个拷贝程序有什么问题么?Any questions on this copy program?

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订购硬拷贝手册的链接。Links for ordering hardcopy manuals

新拷贝的参考计数为1。Reference count of the new skb is 1.

想要多少拷贝都可以。You have copy after copy after copy.

按任意键,开始拷贝文件。Press any key to begin copying files.

打印原始文件的一个硬拷贝。Print a hardcopy of the original file.

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为什么拷贝字符串读取额外字符?。Why does strcpy read extra characters?

激光测试工序挑出了四十份拷贝中的一个残次品。Laser test rejected one copy out of 40.

数据未被拷贝到套接字缓冲区。No data is copied into the socket buffer.

设置打印拷贝数和页面范围的参数。Number of copies and page range to print.

另外一个低效率的地方是字节拷贝。The other inefficiency is in byte copying.

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可以直接拷贝使用其他烧录卡的存档。Use other flashcard's save files directly.

可以拷贝两份我的人格。You can have two copies of my personality.

的拷贝和支持的证明。Copy of C. V. with supporting testimonials.