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不要窥探别人的私生活。Don't pry into private life of others.

杰克闯入了玛丽的私生活。Jack encroached on Mary's private life.

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可否将新闻记者的私生活当作新闻?Should Newsmen's Private Life Be Treated as News?

令人吃惊的是,乌沙克利吉尔一直对她与凯末尔的私生活保持着沉默。To the surprise of many, she kept a vow of silence.

这个电影明星回避回答有关她私生活的问题。The film star evaded questions about her private life.

跟别的职业明星一样,她也避免谈及她的私生活。Like any pro star she won’t talk about her private life.

他们侵扰我们的私生活是毫无道理的。Their intrusion into our private lives is unwarrantable.

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公宗对淑会名柳的私生活具友浓厚的兴趣。The is fascinated by the private lives of public figures.

有关他私生活的丑闻迅速在公司里传播开了。The scandal about his private life stalked the firm soon.

她太爱刺探朋友的私生活了。She pries too closely into the private life of her friends.

新闻记者有时候刺探名人的私生活。Journalists sometimes spy into the affairs of the celebrities.

一旦触及任何关于他私生活的事,你就得小心了。Touch on anything in his personal life and you'll be stonewalled.

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但吸引力和私生活的自由却在与日俱减…。Fig3. While attraction and personal freeness decreasing day by day.

在这个个人信息共享的时代,扎克伯格也是一个过度分享自己私生活的一个人。Zuckerberg may seem like an over-sharer in the age of over-sharing.

现代科技认为,工作会对我们的私生活产生腐蚀性的威胁。Modern technology means work can seep corrosively into private life.

有关部长个人私生活的流言晦语正在传播。Someone is spreading mischievous stories about minister's private life.

丹已不再是从前那个小哈利了,人们开始越来越多地关注他的私生活。As Dan grows up, people pay more and more attentions on his private life.

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过着这种享乐而放荡不羁的私生活,西佐感到极为劳累。For one with such a hedonistic and varied private life, Xizor grew tired.

就是说,巴贝多航空真是不关心你的私生活。Yeah. It's almost as if Air Barbados doesn't care about your social life.

这份杂志经常大篇幅报道名人的私生活。The magazine always reports extensively on the private lives of celebrities.