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安顺哪里有卖琉璃?Where has An Shun to sell coloured glaze?

它有美妙的琉璃双层屋顶。It has a fabulous double roof of yellow tiles.

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产品以琉璃、玉石、合金为主流。Products to glass, jade, alloy into the mainstream.

琉璃,中国玻璃古称谓之一。Lazurite, an ancient name for Chinese colored glass.

雪后的山谷幻化成一个奇特的琉璃世界。The snow changed the valley into a strange glazed world.

一个镶嵌着玛瑙和琉璃的大衣柜占满了墙的一角。A large press, inlaid with agate and lapis-lazuli, filled one.

竭诚提供琉璃艺术品,收藏品及银饰挂饰。Provide dedicated glass art, collectibles and silverware tall.

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野莓萃取、麴酸、琉璃醣醛酸、海藻。Wildberry Extract, Kojic Acid, Hyaluronic Acid, Seaweed Extract.

看着我时你空洞的双眼在面前化为琉璃翡翠。Look at me when you empty my eyes before into coloured glaze jade.

药师琉璃光如来是一位佛的大医生。Medicine Mater Thus come one lapis lazuli light in Buddha great doctor.

试着喝一勺琉璃蜂蜜,罗马人称之为“开心蜂蜜”。Try a spoonful of borage honey – or 'happy honey’ as the Romans called it.

我们是知名的琉璃珠、项鍊、手环等珠艺饰品的制造商。The colored glass beads of the Paiwan people were brought by their ancestors.

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塔表面,用精美的砖雕、斗供、琉璃、飞檐装饰。Tap on the surface, with fine brick, for the fight, glass, decorative cornices.

佳人闺房琉璃琴,窗外浪子候佳音。Beauty boudoir glass harp, the prodigal son look forward to hearing from you soon.

座落在著名的陶瓷琉璃之乡-淄博沂源县城。It is located in the famous hometown of ceramics and glass YiYuan County ZiBo City.

小的绿色琉璃砖覆盖在建筑的预制混凝土结构上。The small green glazed bricks cover the building's prefabricated concrete structure.

北城别。回眸三生琥珀色。西城诀。转身一世琉璃白。Beicheng don't. Hoped amber buddies. Wl tactic. Turned white coloured glaze nefarious.

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我们的心,我们的,那颗曾经透明如琉璃的,最真实的心,如今,还能到哪里去找寻呢?Our hearts, our, it was as clear as glass, the most real heart, but now, where to find?

撷一朵雪花入心,让爱的花朵在琉璃的世界绽放,透彻心扉。Pick a snowflake into the heart, let the flower of love in the glass world, thorough heart.

达德利把鼻子压在琉璃上,盯着那个盘成一圈圈发光的东西。Dudley stood with his nose pressed against the glass, staring at the glistening brown coils.