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精神的糖衣炮弹打中了一个靶子,就是薄一波。A spiritual one hit its target, Po I-po.

简直是胡说八道和糖衣炮弹。Complete Non-sense and Sugar Coated talk.

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这种行为真的就像给他们送糖衣炮弹。It's really like offering poison coated with sugar.

中国人的糖衣炮弹不会改变其目标。Indeed Sugar coated words from chinese side won't change their objectives.

甚至它会在管理中成为一颗毫无意义的糖衣炮弹。Or it can be so sugarcoated that it becomes a meaningless exercise in management.

这个想法是为了给表现好的候选人提供经费,避免他们经不住游说者的糖衣炮弹。The idea is to finance good candidates to keep them out of the pockets of lobbyists.

资产阶级一定要腐蚀人,用糖衣炮弹打人。The bourgeois. e is. sure to corrode people and aim its sugar-coated bullets at them.

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抵抗住糖衣炮弹的袭击,被犯罪分子拉下了水。He failed to resist the sugarcoated bullet, and was dragged into crime by hardcore criminals.

当我们奔波红尘时,难免有糖衣炮弹,诱惑的陷阱。When we travel the world of mortals, unavoidably have sugar-coated cannonball, alluring trap.

笔者看来,这些“天价月饼”很有可能会沦为腐败道具,会成为把官员们“拉下水”的“糖衣炮弹”。From my perspective, these mooncakes may serve as a corruption tool that may lure a lot of government officials into spotlight.

一项新的研究发现,在某一方面有真才实学的人们对广告赞助商的“糖衣炮弹”有一定的免疫力。But a new study shows that people with true expertise in a subject have some immunity to the siren song of corporate sponsorship.

威武的打进决赛后,科比和湖人将在几近一周里美美的享受夸赞和吹嘘里,但是被要提防被糖衣炮弹捧得飘飘然而后柔弱下来。Bryant and the Lakers will now listen to nearly a week of praise since they figure to be favorites in the Finals. The risk is all these pats on the back might again soften them up.

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老妈坐阵,各种糖衣炮弹迎面而来,你却不能躲闪,败下阵来,算你活该,谁让你不有个有钱的爸有权的妈。Mom take charge of situation , various sugar-coated cannonball throw to you but you cannot dodge, defeated calculate you deserved it, who let you don't have a rich dad and a wield power mom.

还有一个荷兰人托蒂荣格恩认为是糖衣炮弹的的方法,即将广告变得就像节目一样—有些时候人们更愿意去看节目中出现的明星。One trick, described by Todd Juenger of TiVo as "closer to a silver bullet", is to run advertisements that resemble programmes—in some cases featuring stars from the show people are trying to watch.